
J.M. Barrie

by Michelle from Williamsville

James M. Barrie (Wikipedia)
James M. Barrie (Wikipedia)

The magic behind Peter pan is done by the hero we know as James Matthew Barrie. J. M. Barrie is a hero because he inspired children and grownups to enjoy fairy tales and have a love for them. Barrie's famous play Peter Pan was donated to the Children's hospital and gave the hospital financial support. He is also a hero because he was the caretaker of two boys who were not his sons but, their parents had died. Barrie supported the boys financially and paid for their education.

J. M. Barrie had a very fascinating childhood. He was born on May 9th 1860 in Kirriemuir, Scotland. The day of his birth, 6 hair-bottomed chairs were bought. Barrie was the ninth child of ten (two children died before him). His father David Ogilvy was a successful weaver. A couple years later James's next older brother died two days before his fourteenth birthday in an ice skating accident (his mother's favorite). His mother, Margaret Ogilvy was so sad she would spend all day in her bedroom weeping. Even when everybody was not sad anymore and got over their brother's death Margaret continued to do as she did. Margaret wouldn't even look at her unfortunate son because she was too busy crying. J. M. Barrie pretended to be David so his mother would laugh and cheer up; he would also wear David's clothes and whistle the same tune as David's. J. M. Barrie liked pretending to be David, so he and his friend Mills set up a toy theater with puppets. At age 8 Jamie went to live in Glasgow with his older brother Alex for three years. Then Jamie went to live at home and Alex transferred to a different district. At age 13 Jamie went to Dumfries Academy with his sister Mary and his brother Alex. He and his friends spent time in the garden of Moat Brae house playing pirates who were longing to become Peter Pan. They formed a club and produced their first play Bandelier the Bandit. Later on, Jamie was sent to a school owned by woman.

J. M. Barrie had a big problem when he was little that drained out all his happiness. Jamie was an eager listener when his mother read stories aloud. His favorite book to read with his mother was Robinson Crusoe. Then his mother got very distressed because her son died so, story time was over. During the time, Barrie was not reading any stories. He was much wounded. Then one day he sat on the stairs to his house and started crying. His sister found him and told him to state to their mother that she still had another boy. Once Barrie entered the room he heard his mother say "Is that you?" Barrie thought it was the dead boy she was speaking to. In a lonely voice he said "No it's not him it's just me" Jamie's mother found comfort that her son would remain a boy forever, never to grow up and leave her. After Jamie did so his mother started reading stories and getting over her dead son.

Barrie had quite a lot of accomplishments in his life and did of lot a good number of things for his community and others. Some of Jamie's accomplishments are under the watch of Alexander and Marry Ann. He became a voracious reader. Jamie walked 245 miles 18 times. At age 50 he applied for a job as a factory book keeper in Forfar. Barrie was a novelist and play writer. He wrote a three volume novel. Barrie was also prompted as principal clerk of New Linen. He interested people with plays and books. His first play was Bandelier the Bandit and he performed in it as well as some of his other plays he wrote like "Off the Line 1" and "Paul Pry." He also wrote other plays. Some of them are Peter Pan, Quality Street and The Boy David. The Davises boys were based on the character Peter Pan. Some of the books he wrote contain Richard Souse's biography and Little White Bird. He often wrote stories in newspapers at his younger age. He wrote in the newspaper in Kirriemuir and some other places.

Barrie was honored more than once in his life. He is known for writing the play we know as Peter Pan, let out in 1904. Also he is hardly known for some of the books he illustrated and some other plays he wrote. Barrie had the honor of being made a baronet. A baronet is the holder of a hereditary baronetcy awarded by the British crown. James Matthew Barrie was also the head of Saint Andrews University in 1922. At Edinburgh University two schools where named after him. J.M. Barrie was also the councilor of Edinburgh University from 1930-1937.

J.M. Barrie had three astonishing traits. One of Barrie's traits is he is very hardworking. Jamie worked a lot during the day. He would work hour's non-stop. He might stop for a little snack but, that was about it. Jamie would work all day till dinner time, just working. After dinner he would play with his dog. He then would go back to writing. He would continue doing this routine every day. His second trait is that he was a very caring man. He looked after the Davises boys, George and Jack Davis. He supported them financially and paid for their education. They were not his sons. He adopted them. George and Jack's parents had died. Jamie was caring enough to take care of George and Jack. James Matthew Barrie's last trait is he was a brilliant story teller and he liked to write a lot. Jamie had a skilled talent to tell stories. Kids would love it when he made up stories. When Barrie was little sometimes his favorite magazine Sunshine would come late. When that happened Barrie would take a piece of paper and write made-up stories instead of waiting for the magazine to come. He then would rush downstairs and make his mother read the stories he would make up.

An important lesson a young person or you could learn from the way my hero J. M. Barrie lived is to always be a caring person. Helping others can make your life fulfilling and full of fun. It's also a nice thing to do. Nobody should live a life without any parents or having their parents leave them. If you wouldn't want to be in their position then you should help them because they wouldn't want to be in their position either. As you can see J. M. Barrie is my hero for many reasons.

Page created on 12/16/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/16/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

J.M. Barrie - Wikipedia
Margaret Ogilvy by James Barrie