
Jenna M. Burch

by Windy from Cordova

Jenna Burch (Windy Jensen)
Jenna Burch (Windy Jensen)

Have you ever had someone that you wish you could be just like? Did you ever have someone that you could always count on to be there for you? Well if you asked me those questions I would have to say, "yes I do." My hero is Jenna Marie Burch. She lives in Cordova, Alaska. Jenna was a great hero to me, she was and still is always there for me. Whenever I need a place to go, she’s there.

She has fought the problem of drinking and driving in one part of our family, even though this person resented it and didn’t want to listen to her. I have stayed with her many times when things were hard to deal with at my house, she has been like a mother to me. There have been many times when I have wished she were my mom to me instead of cousin. She has also been a best friend to me, I could tell her things that I couldn’t tell anyone. In a way she saved me from a lot of the bad choices I could have made. She has always kept arms open for everyone, even people out of the family, and I respect her for that more than anything.

I think that she’s one of the most mentally strong people I know. She has been through a lot of hard times, including loss of family members. But if you talk to her or saw her on the street you would never know, she would just be another person on the street. This is because she doesn’t let that get to her. She just goes on living her life. She is also very caring and kind. Like I said, she helps people feel better or get better if they’re having a hard time. I feel like she’s very smart because she graduated high school and went to college in two different places. Another thing that made her smart was that she had ADD, which is something that makes it very hard for you to concentrate, but she made herself concentrate. I think that it would take a lot of self-control.

I chose her to be my hero because I look up to her. I chose her because she is kind and caring, smart and strong, and very persistent. I chose her because of what she says to me every time she’s helping me: "I don’t care if they get mad at me." I know that it doesn’t sound like much but she means that it doesn’t madder if they get mad, it’s still the right thing to do, and I think that’s something a real hero would say. My hero will always be Jenna Marie Burch.

Page created on 5/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/19/2008 12:00:00 AM

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