
Jimmy Butler

by Kevin from San Diego (A photogropher) (A photogropher)

Jimmy Butler, an NBA all star who was homeless. Born on September 14,1989 in Houston Texas raised by a single mom then taken care by another family who supported him. Jimmy Butler was kicked out from his house an age of 13. Moving from house to house, with no job Jimmy eventually found someone who would take care of him. Jimmy was taken care under the Leslie family who already had 7 kids of her own, gave Jimmy love and a place for Jimmy to stay. From a young age Jimmy loved basketball and continued his dream. He was always doubted by everyone, even his mom, but Jimmy proved them wrong.

Derrick R. and Jimmy Butler ( (Bulls Photogropher))
Derrick R. and Jimmy Butler ( (Bulls Photogropher))

Jimmy Butler was a unique type of person, he was influenced by his former teammate Derrick Rose. People always would say he never had the height to play and said he was too slow. Derrick Rose was around his height and was really fast and competed with the rest of the players. Jimmy, influenced by Derrick Rose, continued his dream and love for the sport. Jimmy knowing that he would eventually grow, he trained a lot to stay fit and get faster. Turns out Jimmy is 6 feet 7" which is 3 inches taller than Derrick Rose and is really fast.

Jimmy Butler Getting Drafted ( (Bulls Photogropher))
Jimmy Butler Getting Drafted ( (Bulls Photogropher))

Many people expected nothing from Jimmy, but was able to be drafted in 2011 by the Chicago Bulls. This shows that everyone in this world should work hard and have no excuse because Jimmy came from nothing to something. Jimmy overcame all this hate from being kicked out of his house, moving from house to house, and no one believing in him. Now Jimmy Butler is an NBA All Star making 16.5 million, who is also giving back to his community.

Jimmy Butler was also criticized because of the amount of money he and his family had, knowing he had nothing. Jimmy was always criticized by everyone even though they didn't know his story and where he came from. Moving from high school to high school and college to college because he didn't have enough money to offer it. there were problems coming from every direction but Jimmy was able to solve them and continue his dream.

Both of Jimmys Mom ( (BasketballBicker))
Both of Jimmys Mom ( (BasketballBicker))

Every person reacts differently to different problems, Jimmy was a very confident person and didn't let the hate come to him. Instead of throwing hands(Fighting), he talked back on the court. His sophomore year he averaged 5.6 points. He stepped up his game to averaging 15.7 points which was a major difference. After high school Jimmy Butler went to go on and play college basketball. Starting off from the bench, Jimmy wasn't getting much attention so he had to step up his game even more. While he was playing college basketball, Jimmy enter the NBA lottery draft. Jimmy Butler is a strong and confident person who never went with flow whenever there was hate with him. Whenever he saw someone talking bad about him, he would take it out or would show it out on the court. Throughout his high school years many people didn't know about his situation until he was in college and in the NBA. Since many people didn't know they were surprised by how far he came because normally, many people just quit on life and stop. Many hate and many good things came after the word spread. Many people's lives changed after this because not many pro athletes have made it this far with problems in their life so big. Being homeless at the age 13, now I would know what to do because I would have a purpose. This is a great example of being courageous and not taking anything for granted.

After Jimmy shared his story many people were impacted in their lives of taking advantage of those opportunities that you have that others don't. In our world. I think there is a need for this hero because none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. Whenever we make a mistake we should get mad but fix it, what Butler's mom did wasn't the best response to leave a child on the streets. Like I said we need more heroes like this all over the world, we can do this by first thinking of your actions then doing it. Also never let anyone bring you down and remember your goal, just like Jimmy. I can imitate Jimmy in doing my best in everything that I do, like doing good in school and being a good brother. Jimmy didn't have the love and attention of his parents, yet he came so far. Many people who do have these opportunities fall into drugs and many other bad things. What we can learn is doing our best and putting our 110 percent and take advantage of what we do have. Jimmy Butler is my hero for these reasons because many people fall into to bad influences and end their lives but Jimmy did his best and found opportunities.

Page created on 4/3/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/3/2017 12:00:00 AM

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