
Jimmy Carter

by Andrew from San Diego

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History has not been kind to Jimmy Carter. Many Americans regard his presidency as one of the worst terms in U.S. history, and some even consider him "the most inexperienced politician to serve as president in the latter half of the twentieth century" (Darity). The beginning of an economic recession began around the time of Carter's term, putting much of the blame on him. But many of Carter's redeeming qualities don't have much to do with his presidency. In fact, much of his heroic work took place outside of his presidential term. Carter believed in a world of peace, where everyone was equal and should help one another. He spent his life working to improve the lives of people not just in his country, but around the world. Among helping eradicate illnesses and build homes in destitute countries, Carter founded his own charity organization, the Carter Center, so that everyone could help change the lives of those in need. Heroes don't necessarily have to be powerful or wealthy. Heroes can be ordinary people with big hearts and the drive to change others' lives for the better. Jimmy Carter is one such hero. His decisions to boost social equality, courageous diplomatic missions in foreign countries, and compassionate gifts to all kinds of people have become a catalyst for change all around the world.

During Jimmy Carter's presidency, he worked to increase equality of all genders and races. One thing Carter did during his presidency was work to increase human and social services. He "appointed record numbers of women, blacks, and Hispanics to Government jobs" (Beschloss and Sidey). Jimmy Carter felt it was his responsibility to promote fairness in employment at the highest levels of government jobs to all Americans. At the time, racism was still an issue. Promotion of jobs for minorities is just one of the ways that Carter worked to try and change that. Besides racism, another social inequality Carter targeted was sexism. "Carter would also be remembered for his inclusion of women and minorities in his cabinet, including Andrew Young, the African American former mayor of Atlanta, who played a prominent though controversial role as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations" (Britannica). Women were rarely appointed government jobs at the time. By the time Carter was president, the Women's Equality Movement had been gaining strength and visibility for well over a decade. Carter helped break the wall of sexism that held women back. By promoting equality for all people at all levels of government, Jimmy Carter created more opportunities for underrepresented groups in office, making him a hero to many Americans.

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Some of the diplomatic missions Jimmy Carter undertook were potentially dangerous, but he had the courage to go through with them to encourage peace. Carter paid a lot of attention to other countries, especially those in conflict. "He was particularly active in this role [a diplomat] in 1994, negotiating with North Korea to end nuclear weapons development there" (Britannica). Carter traveled across the world to a dangerous country to try and stop life threatening activities that were taking place there. He was potentially putting his life on the line by discussing politics with a foreign country infamous for its tough military. Yet Carter remained undaunted, and took on his mission anyway. However, North Korea wasn't the only place that he targeted. Carter negotiated peace in other dangerous parts of the world, such as ". with Bosnian Serbs and Muslims to broker a short-lived cease-fire" (Britannica). After his presidency, Jimmy Carter worked as a peacemaker all around the world. He strived to end violence, even going so far as to negotiate with war stricken countries to make peace, even if it wasn't permanent. Jimmy Carter had the courage and ability to remain steadfast through dangerous portions of his career as a peacemaker. Bravery is a trait of his that helped him accomplish his heroic deeds.

Jimmy Carter also participated in many acts of compassion for many communities in poverty. For example, Carter assisted other charity groups to aid poorer people. "Well known as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, Carter also led a diplomatic convoy to avert a crisis in Haiti (1994)" (Darity). Habitat for Humanity is a charity group that helps build communities in needy areas, such as in Africa. Jimmy Carter worked with this organization to save the lives of people who were sick with no homes or cures to lethal diseases. Carter was so focused on his vision of charity work that he founded his own charity. "With the creation of the Carter Center he was able to give that vision global reach" (Lansing). Jimmy Carter founded the Carter Center to allow other people to recognize his dream and help him achieve it. His compassion can be attested to by the successes of the Carter Center, such as the eradication of Guinea Worm Disease (a disease caused by ingesting guinea worm larvae through stagnant water) and strengthening of human rights worldwide (The Carter Center). Jimmy Carter has a compassionate heart that makes him a hero to the destitute civilians whose lives he has changed.

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Jimmy Carter is a man who took it upon himself to change lives with acts of fairness, compassion, and courage. Although some may consider his presidency less than stellar, as president Carter had the power to appoint minorities to government jobs, which helped break down the barriers of racism and sexism. He also had the recognition to influence other countries to help rather than harm others. With his foundation of the Carter Center, he passed on his drive to improve the circumstances of those living in poverty to others. Carter inspires people with his successes in his philanthropic missions abroad. The diseases he has helped stop, the communities he has helped rebuild, and the peace he has advocated almost set a standard for others with similar goals. Jimmy Carter is an ordinary man with extraordinary dreams. A world filled with strife was not an option for him. Many people's lives have been changed by him. Many days of suffering have been avoided with his help. For some people, the world would not be the same had Jimmy Carter never been around. And that is why he is a hero.


Works Consulted

"Carter, Jimmy." Britannica Biographies (2012): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

"Carter, Jimmy." International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Ed. William A. Darity, Jr. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2008. 450-452. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Dec. 2012.

"James Carter." The White House, n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012.

Lansing, Sherry. "Hero's Hero: Jimmy Carter." The MY HERO Project, 5 Dec. 2007. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. <>.

"The Carter Center: Advancing Human Rights and Alleviating Suffering." The Carter Center: Advancing Human Rights and Alleviating Suffering. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Dec. 2012.

Page created on 1/10/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/11/2018 6:03:42 PM

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Related Links

The Carter Center - The Carter Center is a charity group founded by Jimmy Carter
The Whitehouse - Biography of Jimmy Carter
Simon and Schuster - A list of books written by Jimmy Carter, many of which detail his passion for peace.