Jimmy Carter
by Luke from San Diego

Jimmy Carter (http://garyfouse.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.h ()) |
Jimmy Carter, a true American hero
You've probably heard of the former US President Jimmy Carter. The things he is most well known for are his mediation in the Camp David Peace Agreement and the Carter Center. But there are a few other things that are important to truly understanding Jimmy Carter. James Earl Carter Jr, more commonly known as Jimmy Carter, was born in Plains, Georgia, 1924. "His father, James Earl Carter Sr, was a farmer and businessman; his mother, (Bessie) Lillian Gordy Carter, was a registered nurse" ( "Jimmy Carter" Biography Today). In 1946 Jimmy Carter married Rosalynn Smith. "After seven years' service as a naval officer, Carter returned to Plains. In 1962 he entered state politics, and eight years later he was elected Governor of Georgia." ("James Carter" The White House) He was president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. Now you may be wondering, what makes him a hero? Well, a hero should stand up for the rights of others, and try to prevent fighting. Standing up for the rights of others by speaking out against injustice and trying to prevent fighting is important to the success of a community. Jimmy Carter stands up for human rights and helps other countries which is what makes him a hero. 
The Carter Center (http://spinsucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Th ()) |
One of the things Jimmy Carter did numerous times before and after his presidency was he defended human rights and tried to stop attacks on them. An example of this is when he set up the Carter Center. "He set up the Carter Center in 1982 as his base for advancing human rights" ("James Carter", The White House) Even after his career as president ended he still wasn't satisfied with his presidency. He isn't the type of person to let injustice continue in the world without doing something so he set up the Carter Center to help human rights. This shows his determination and kindness. This next quote talks about what Jimmy Carter did to bring attention to a crisis in Sudan. "Carter has also traveled to the Darfur region of Sudan to help draw attention to widespread hunger there, the result of an ongoing civil war between the government and rebels" ("Jimmy Carter, James Earl Carter" background information summary). His actions in Sudan display his kindness. He used his influence as a former president to help do good in the world. He is using his fame to draw attention to world issues. Rather than just living a relaxed quiet life he chooses to advocate for those in need. This third quote displays how Jimmy Carter worked for decades to promote human rights and finally gets recognition for it, "Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 'for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development'" ("Jimmy Carter" Biography Today). He spent decades trying to find a peaceful solution to wars and the attacks on human rights. He doesn't let other countries scare him and shows his bravery and perseverance. Jimmy Carter is a hero because he stands up for human rights which displays his kindness and determination to make the world a better place.
Jimmy Carter at mediation Camp David Accords (http://www.cmiconcord.com/wp-content/images/campda ()) |
Jimmy Carter also helps other countries which is what makes him a hero. This first quote talks about one of Jimmy Carter's biggest achievements. "Carter had scored a major diplomatic achievement while in office, in March 1978 by successfully mediating the Camp David peace agreement between Egypt, then led by Anwar Sadat, and Israel, led by Menachem Begin." ("Jimmy Carter, James Earl Carter" background information summary). This shows that Jimmy Carter has saved lives by helping mediate the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. His diplomacy/negotiation skills helped both countries come to an agreement showing his perseverance as well. The next quote talks about what Jimmy Carter did after his presidency. "Carter has used his prestige as a former president to travel around the world addressing international issues. For example, he has promoted democracy and free elections in Nicaragua, worked to ease tension between North and South Korea, averted a crisis in Haiti by convincing a dictator to abdicate power, brokered a peace agreement in Bosnia, and traveled to Cuba to urge President Fidel Castro to increase political freedom" ("Jimmy Carter" Biography Today) All of these things are great achievements in diplomacy and show how Jimmy Carter is a hero. He has many contributions of after the presidency like convincing the dictator in Haiti to abdicate without violence. This shows his diplomacy skills which he uses to help the world by preventing war. This next quote shows how Jimmy Carter is able to help the world and how he is able to help the world. "Despite being out of office, as an ex-president, Carter still has access to almost any world leader, and he is able to pull together experts on problem issues in order to work for practical solutions" ("Jimmy Carter" Contemporary Authors Online). Even though he is no longer president Jimmy Carter still wields considerable influence with other world leaders. Instead of using this for his own benefits he uses it for the safety of other countries.He negotiates and uses his status as former president to help solve conflicts, showing his heroic qualities. Jimmy Carter is a hero because he often tries to prevent wars.
Jimmy Carter and Rosalynn Carter (http://www.cartercenter.org/resources/images/galle ()) |
Jimmy Carter stands up for the rights of everyone and helps other countries with their problems which is why he is a hero. He has often used his influence as former president to benefit other people in countries stuck with disaster. This shows his kindness towards others and perseverance in his mission to help make the world a better place. He set up the Carter Center to help problems both local and around the world. During his presidency he helped make important peace agreements which he continued to do even after his presidency ended. Jimmy Carter inspires me and others through his kindness and determination to make the world a better place. This next quote shows how Jimmy Carter does this. "The publication Workbench tells how seriously the Carters take their responsibilities during their annual stint on a Habitat job site: '[They] ask for, and receive, the same treatment as the other volunteers. They sleep and eat in the same dormitory and mess tent as the rest of the crew. And except for brief time-outs for media interviews, Carter puts in the same hours as every other volunteer"' ("Jimmy Carter" Biography Today) This quote displays Jimmy Carter's great qualities. Even though he's an ex-president he asks for no special treatment and puts in hard work at the Carter Center. He clearly has kindness and a terrific work ethic. All of the things I have talked about point to one clear thing, that Jimmy Carter, the 39th US president, is a true hero.Works cited
"James Carter." The White House. The White House, 30 Dec. 2014. Web. 02 May 2016.
"Jimmy Carter." Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Biography in Context. Web. 5 May 2016.
"Jimmy Carter (James Earl Carter)." Background Information Summaries (2009): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 5 May 2016.
"Jimmy Carter." Jimmy Carter (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 5 May 2016.
Page created on 5/21/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 5/21/2016 12:00:00 AM
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Related Links
- links to the White House government website, specifically the page about Jimmy Carter