
Jimmy Carter

by Billy from Boca Raton

Jimmy Carter- "It's not necessary to fear the prospect of failure but to be determined not to fail."
Jimmy Carter with his book (
Jimmy Carter with his book (

This country needs more heroes. It needs people who stand up for what they believe in and will fight till the end. People like Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter did a great job of helping the United States of America.

Jimmy Carter recieves the Nobel Peace Prize (
Jimmy Carter recieves the Nobel Peace Prize (

“James Earl Carter, Jr. was born on October 1, 1924 in Plains, Georgia.” Carter’s father was a farmer and business man. Carter’s mother was a nurse. Strangely enough, growing up on a farm, he developed an early interest in business. He would sell boiled peanuts on the streets; he would make one to five dollars a day. Carter went to a public school in the Plains. Carter loved to read and had received many awards for good grades. A schoolmate once said, “Jimmy was always the smartest kid in the class.” For college he attended Georgia Southwestern College. “In 1942 a boyhood dream came true when he received an appointment to the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.” He left the Navy in 1946. He ranked 59th in a class of 820. Carter’s life as a young man was all he could hope for.

Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office (
Jimmy Carter in the Oval Office ([email protected])

Carter was committed to being a political hero. In 1962, Jimmy ran for Georgia State Senate. The results of his primary election showed he had only lost by a few votes. He challenged the results to find out he had won. Carter would be the Democratic Nominee. Carter won the election in a landslide. He won by about 1,000 votes. In 1966, he ran for governor of Georgia. He lost the primary election. He came back determined to win in 1970. From 1966-1970, he learned more about Georgia’s problems and made about 1,800 speeches. Carter ended up winning by 200,000 votes. One very important thing he did was have a law “to provide equal state aid to schools in the wealthy and poor areas of Georgia.” In 1976, Carter defeated Ford in the presidential election. Carter had an astonishing political career.

Jimmy Carter (
Jimmy Carter (

Carter was a man who cared. Jimmy opened many job opportunities for blacks on major state boards. Agencies increased from 3 to 53. It rose 40%. Carter attracted world wide attention in 1977 when he strongly supported the struggle for human rights in the Soviet Union and other nations. He also helped keep the Panama Canal’s neutrality. Also in 1978, Carter strengthened ties between the US and communist China. He also brought peace between Egypt and Israel. One truly important thing he did was open the Carter Center in 1982, in Plains Georgia. Unlike many famous people who get too caught up in the lime light and forget to go back to where they started and use their new power to make it a better place, Carter remembered to go back to his roots. The Carter Center works to advance human rights and alleviate human suffering. Carter did many things to show his compassion.

Jimmy Carter ( )
Jimmy Carter ( )

Heroes deserve to be recognized for their accomplishments. Carter was definitely recognized for his accomplishments by winning many awards. Carter was the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize winner. He was the 1994 National Freedom Award winner. He was the 1994 Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize winner. The 1999 Presidential Medal of Freedom winner. Also the Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism winner. And the Elders award winner. Awards are not given, they are earned.

Jimmy Carter was and still is today one of the United States of America’s greatest leaders of all time. He helped fight racism, justice and peace. He also won many great awards. I am so proud to be part of a country that has men like Jimmy Carter in charge.

Page created on 3/5/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/11/2018 6:07:14 PM

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Related Links - Jimmy Carter - Carter Center - Jimmy Carter Biography