
Jackie Chan

by Kerolles from Warsaw, Ohio

Jackie Chan was born in Hong Kong on April 17th 1954 and his name was Kong Sang which means born in Hong Kong. When he was born he weighed 12 pounds and his mom needed to have surgery to deliver him. His parents were poor so they had to borrow money from friends to pay the doctor.

At school he learned martial arts, acrobatics, sinning, and acting. The school was a all boy school and taught for opera. He went to this school because his dad went to Australia for a job so he no choices but to stay in that school.

When he was 17 he finished school but opera no longer was a good job they had to find other work but his school didn’t teach him how to read or write so he worked at a stuntman also a construction and when he worked there they named him Jackie and that is where his name come from.

For this reason he is my hero. He is my hero because he went thought a lot of things like going to school and his dad went out of the country to work and after all of that the school he went to for 10 years was worthless because the school didn’t teach him how to write or read. After all of this he still famous and he still successful and that is why he is my hero.

Page created on 10/8/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/8/2010 12:00:00 AM

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