Jesus Christ, known as “The Messiah” or “The Anointed,” came to Earth and gave hope. Jesus Christ lived his life as a carpenter in a very poor family. He soon became inspired by John the Baptist and wandered through Galilee as a preacher of God. His preachings brought followers and haters. “Jewish leaders afraid Jesus was becoming too powerful, had him arrested” (UXL, 2003). Throughout the hardships of Jesus’ life, he kept faith in God and showed his compassion and courage for us.
Jesus Christ’s self sacrifice and kindness for others is one of his most well known characteristics. Jesus’ crucifixion is one of the historical landmarks of him showing kindness. Jesus is stripped, flogged, mocked, and crowned with thorns. “He is crucified between two thieves, and his cross states that he is being executed for aspiring to be the king of the Jews. He asks God to forgive those who are crucifying him, possibly the Romans and possibly the Jews. One of the thieves states that Jesus has done nothing wrong and asks Jesus to remember him in the Kingdom, and Jesus replies that the thief will be with him in paradise.”(Clowes, 1817) Jesus sacrifices his life to die for our sins. Jesus begs for God to forgive those who have sinned against him. He brought all the pain of our sins onto himself so he can forgive us. We as sinners, are now allowed to spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. Throughout Jerusalem, Jesus had been witnessed performing miracles of healing people and helping people. “For centuries most people in civilizations influenced by the Bible not only believed literally in the miracles but took them as proofs that Jesus had a supernatural power”(Gale 2003). Jesus’ life had been recorded by most of his disciples, or followers. His miracles had been recorded into the Bible. The miracles he performed helped the people in need. His actions show his compassion toward others. Jesus Christ is the son of God, who died for our sins as a preacher and performs miracles.
Jesus’ strength and courage proved he was an idol to many people. After Jesus’ crucifixion, on the third day he rose again. “Other details such as the fact that there was no room at the inn and that Mary for this reason cradled the child in a manger, carry a hint of mystery which lies too deep for words but which has fascinated the imagination and captured the hearts of men no other event of history, except those other great events surrounding Jesus, his death and Resurrection” (Gale 2003). Jesus is divine by the rebirth of himself. After Jesus died for our sins, he resurrected to prove that he is the son of God. Jesus Christ also has never committed a sin in his entire lifetime on Earth. “In a sense, this is a strictly hypothetical question, since the Bible clearly teaches Jesus never sinned (Hebrews 4:15)” (Bechtle 1996). Being without sin is impossible. A man who never committed a sin is an absolute hero. Jesus never turned against good for evil even though he was tempted. Jesus showed his courage by resisting the urge of sin. Jesus shows the supernatural powers and the strength of himself by avoiding sin and proving the impossible.
Jesus has always been a hero and a good fellow. In his effort to save us and healings and never committing a sin, he has done a successful job. He has inspired people preaching the faith of God and fascinated several disciples. “He was known to those around him as a carpenter of Nazareth, a town in Galilee. Jesus began preaching and teaching in Galilee. Jesus attracted 12 disciples to follow him. They were mainly fishermen and common workers” (Gale, 2004). He always inspired people to believe in the gospel and the kingdom of God. He was an inspiration to all people because he has religions to worship him and God, such as the Christian, Catholic, and Mormon faiths; they worship Jesus. He led people to do the right choices in life and to love mankind. He shows he is an inspiration through his healings towards others and to recognize the positive aspects they have in life.
Another reason why he is an inspiration is because he never gets angry over the harsh upshots during his life. “The beatings administered by Roman soldiers are well known to be very bloody, leaving lacerations all over the body. Romans designed their whips to cut the flesh from their victim's bodies. It would also cause a fluid buildup around his lungs. In addition, a crown of thorns was forced into his scalp which was capable of severely irritating major nerves in his head, causing increasing and excruciating pain, as the hours wore on”(Farrar 1897). No matter what happened to Jesus, he never became enraged. Jesus sets a positive example for people today. In Jesus Christ’s lifetime, he displays courage and compassion by the hardships he went through for the world’s sake. Reflecting back, “what would Jesus do?”
Works Consulted
Allison, Dale C., Jr. "Jesus." Encyclopedia of Religion. Ed. Lindsay Jones. 2nd ed. Vol. 7. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. 4843-4852. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 May 2010.
"Christ, Jesus." World Religions Reference Library. Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, et al. Vol. 3: Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 187-193. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 14 May 2010.
“Jesus of Nazareth Born, c 4 B.C.” DISCovering World History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center- Gold. Gale. Del Norte High School. 7 May. 2010
"Jesus of Nazareth." Encyclopedia of World Biography. 2nd ed. Vol. 8. Detroit: Gale, 2004. 251-255. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 6 May 2010
"Jesus of Nazareth (6 B.C.-26)." UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL. 3 May. 2010
Walvoord, John F. "Could Jesus Christ have sinned?." ChristianAnswers. Eden Communications, 2006. Web. 20 May 2010.
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Last edited 5/24/2010 12:00:00 AM