
Jane Flannery

by Maddison from Christchurch

My Fighting Mum

I know mothers are great but this story is about the best mum in the world. In December my mum got diagnosed with breast cancer and had to have an operation on Christmas Eve. But there is a good side to this story, because while the operation was happening they put on mum's favorite song Angels by Robbie Williams.

The next day it was Christmas, and we went to see mum in the hospital. I felt sorry for mum because she had to stay overnight at the hospital and have the yucky hospital food. But when we got to the hospital the thing that broke my heart was that I couldn't recognize her because the pain was driving her up the wall.

Once she got out of hospital she had to go back in because we realised that the Cancer got in more than one Lymph-node. So she had to have another operation. But that time she had to stay for two nights and she was given a more private room which had a TV so she could still watch Shortland Street and Deal or No Deal. I also volunteered to stay the night but she said that the chair was not that extremely comfortable.

The other thing mum had to do after the operation was have radiation, which is where they use lasers that have radioactive material in them that they used to try and make the Cancer in the tissue not affect any other area. She had to have it every day apart from the weekends. She did it for four weeks.

One day I went with mum to get the radiation and we did the puzzle together like old times. Mum was the youngest person but my mum is not old I think. But after I went to the radiation she was in good hands with the hospital radiation people.

I only found out a couple of days ago on Wednesday 4th 2010 that my mum has to take tamoxifen for 5 years every morning. I still went into the pharmacy and made sure that she bought it.

This only happened last year in 2009. She still has Breast Cancer but still fighting. She has inspired me, even at the age of eleven. Life is worth fighting for the things you do, love, health, family and LIFE.
My Fighting Mum

Page created on 8/18/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/18/2010 12:00:00 AM

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