
James Harrison (Blood Donor)

by Maia from Glenbrook Middle School

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. - John Muir
James Harrison (Blood Donor) (
James Harrison (Blood Donor) (

My hero is James Harrison (Blood Donor) A.K.A Man with The Golden Arm. He was born in Australia in either 1935 or 1936. When he was 14 years old he received a life saving blood transfusion during an invasive chest surgery. After the surgery he pledged to pay it forward by becoming a blood donor when he was old enough. I chose James Harrison to be my hero because he has saved about 2.2 million babies' lives just with his type of blood. I think that James Harrison is brave because he has been donating blood for 56 years and that is really a lot of blood and needle getting put in him. He is also giving and generous because he is willing to get stuck with needles a few times every month for 56 years for little Australian babies in need. He could have chosen not to give blood but it shows how willing he is. I also believe James Harrison is caring because he donated blood to babies in need and that shows that he cares about other people and not just himself.

My hero is James Harrison (Blood Donor) A.K.A Man with The Golden Arm. He was born in Australia in either 1935 or 1936. When he was 14 years old he received a life saving blood transfusion during an invasive chest surgery. After the surgery he pledged to pay it forward by becoming a blood donor when he was old enough. I chose James Harrison to be my hero because he has saved about 2.2 million babies lives just with his type of blood. I think that James Harrison is brave because he has been donating blood for 56 years and that is really a lot of blood and needle getting put in him. He is also giving and generous because he is willing to get stuck with needles a few times every month for 56 years for little Australian babies in need. He could have chosen not to give blood but it shows how will he is. I also believe James Harrison is caring because he donated blood to babies in need and that shows that he cares about other people and not just himself.

James Harrison has made a difference in the world because he has donated so much blood to babies so they don’t die. He has also donated to his own daughter, Tracy. And that has made a difference in her life because if he did not donate the blood to her there would be a chance that she would be a chance that she would die from Rhesus disease. He has contributed his time and blood to millions of babies throughout the world and is considered a hero because of the blood he has donated.


Page created on 3/31/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/31/2011 12:00:00 AM

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