
John F. Kennedy

by Carsten from Riverview

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. -John F. Kennedy (The noble and Greenough school) (The noble and Greenough school)
My freedom project is about John F. Kennedy. The reason I choose this man for my project is because. He signed the majority laws that led African-Americans to have the same rights as White Americans!

My hero lived in the 1900s
My hero lived in the east side of the United States of America.
John F. Kennedy was brought into this world on May 29, 1917 (Near the end of World War I) John went on to have 8 Siblings! Now that's a-lot of siblings. The Kennedy household would be run by the father Joseph Kennedy. John F. Kennedy spend a-lot of time in Brookline where John's brother, Joe Jr. They both would attend the schools of Noble and Greenough School. Which is a very good school in many peoples' eyes. John and his family would move from place to place because of his father's. Since Joseph's company would breach to New York and Hollywood. Joseph said to him "There's no good point of living in Boston anymore." Then they moved to a rented mansion in New York. Which led the family to live in Riverdale. After a couple of years of living in the rented mansion, they moved to Bronxville. After John was done with Riverdale he went to the Catholic Canterbury school. After autumn of 1931, he switched schools AGAIN after one year there. Then he came to his final school (Other than college) Choate. John's grades were not the strongest if you were to compare to others. He was not a great student. Getting in trouble was first nature for him.But, he made it through school, and somehow passed. (Save the pt boat inc staff) (Save the pt boat inc staff)
John F. Kennedy joined the navy few weeks after Pearl Harbor. (The battle that led United States of America join the allies in WWII) He became the captain for a PTBoat. Which leading such a vehicle, the Japanese could easily spot the boat and took advantage of the opportunity and rammed the boat with the plane. Later on, JFK would be seen as a hero to many. He saved his crew from a plane nearing destroying the boat. Sadly, his brother was later on killed by going in on a mission in air. Joseph Sr was sad since this was his favorite child. JFK was elected in the House of Representatives of Massachusetts. He was in the House for about 6 years. After that he ended up running for Senate of Massachusetts in which he won. After his Senate pose was finished. He was nearly elected for the Vice-President of Democratic party of the United States of America. But, within the 4 years later of him nearly being elected. He became the 35th president, also the youngest president ever. (White house staff?) (White house staff?)
The really big point of his career was helping out with the civil rights movement. Martin Luther King, Jr was arrested in 1960 while leading a protest in Atlanta, Georgia. John F. Kennedy wanted Martin to be released from the jail. Which made MLK, Sr. Who was the father of the leader of the entire civil rights movement. Because of this African-Americans wanted someone who would break segregation. Knowing what John did to help Martin Luther King, Jr. They saw him as a way to leave the days of different bathrooms based on colors. And because of this the African-Americans had a administration to support them in this march, they made a difference. Which led to the "March on Washington" which influenced a-lot of people that segregation is wrong. My hero had to overcome the death of his brother, who died in WWII in a airplane mission. He had to deal with his father pushing him to the limit. The criticism of some parts of the United States of America during the civil rights movement.

Page created on 6/9/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/9/2016 12:00:00 AM

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