
Jack Layton

by Aidan from Calgary

Love is better than anger, hope is better than fear.
Jack Layton Web (I made it. (I did.))
Jack Layton Web (I made it. (I did.))

Jack Layton was a very good man. I chose him for many different things such as he wanted to make Canada a better place by making the party bigger and other things. He also was creative and inspiring. He was extremely kind and cared for other people. He wanted to make things fair for everyone, and he never thought about just himself, he only thought of others. He also wanted to give more jobs for other people who needed them. Those are some of my reasons why I chose Jack Layton.

Jack Layton (I made it. (I did.))
Jack Layton (I made it. (I did.))

Jack Layton was born on July 18, 1950. He was born in Montreal and was raised in nearby Hudson. Sadly he died on August 22, 2004. His parents were Dorris and Elizabeth Steeves. Jack Layton's real name John Gilbert Layton. He went to Hudson High School and was elected student council president. At age 19, he married Sally Halford. They had 2 children. He had a great life and we will remember him.

Jack Layton at work. (I made it. (I did.))
Jack Layton at work. (I made it. (I did.))

In his lifetime, Jack Layton has made many accomplishments. In 1970, he became a member of the new Democratic Party. In 1974, he takes a teaching job at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute, which is now Ryerson University. In 1977, his daughter Sarah was born. 3 years later, his son Michael was born. In 1982, he mounts a campaign to be elected alderman in downtown Toronto's Ward 6. In 1987, he advocates for the creation of a city-funded education team to help combat the AIDS crisis. In 1988, divorced since 1983, he marries his new wife Olivia Chow. In 1997, he gets re-elected to the council. In 2003, he wins his bid for the leadership of the federal NDP. In 2004, at the onset of Layton's first campaign as NDP leader, makes bold prediction that the party will win 40 seats.

Jack Layton was a great leader. He was a great man. Many people respected him. He had a wonderful life. Many loved Jack Layton. We will remember him.

Page created on 11/16/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/16/2012 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Wikipedia - Jack Layton
CBC News - Jack Layton Accomplishments
The Globe and Mail - Jack Layton Quotes
Think to Exist - Jack Layton Quotes