Listen-and-Read-Along MY HERO Stories - for ESL

Jennifer Leary

by Camryn from Cincinnati

"They've just lost everything; they shouldn't lose part of their family." - Jennifer Leary.
Jennifer Leary bringing home a pet (
Jennifer Leary bringing home a pet (

Jennifer Leary is amazingly hard working, and saves people and animals every day. She has a really hard job. Jennifer even has her own organization called the Red Paw. Like I said before, very hard working.

A house that was burning where Jennifer saved a pet (Flickr ())
A house that was burning where Jennifer saved a pet (Flickr ())

Jennifer Leary is a firefighter. She lives in Philadelphia and is currently saving lives right now. Jennifer also volunteers at the Red Cross. One time when she got to a fire, someone was asking, "Where's my pet?" Jennifer didn't want her to lose her pet, so she went into the fire to find it. After that day she had the idea of the Red Paw. The Red Paw is an organization like the Red Cross but for pets. It's a place where pets can go if they need help or a place to stay while their owners are figuring out where they are going. The Red Paw really is a life saver.

Red Paw, Jennifer's organization (Flickr)
Red Paw, Jennifer's organization (Flickr)

Saving people and animals is a really hard job. That is one of her struggles. Another one of her struggles is, well, fighting the fires. I mean that's a really hard thing to do. Also all of the medical care and shelter for the animals for the Red Paw. One time the fire was so bad that they couldn't go into it until after it was put out to go and get the pet. But Jennifer got into her fire suit and went in herself to find their pet. Jennifer has a real love for animals.

Creating the Red Paw was a major accomplishment. Well, and saving lives every day that's pretty important too. But, literally her house is like the Red Paw headquarters. She has like twenty pets there a week. That is a lot of pets in one house. But, of course she has a lot of help.

Jennifer works all year. No off days. Jennifer has steadfast bravery because she goes into danger every day. I mean she's just amazing! She goes into fires and disasters to find the owner's pet. Which they probably love because I know I love my pets. And I would probably be freaking out. But the freaking out right now is that Jennifer saves animals and human beings! That is so cool!

Jennifer Leary (pinterest)
Jennifer Leary (pinterest)

Jennifer is important to me because she thinks about everyone. And for some people their pet is their child. Therefore, they probably really love their pet. And Jennifer finds and saves them, which I think is really cool. So for that reason she saves everyone. She might not go down in history, but Jennifer Leary is my hero.

Page created on 5/9/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/7/2020 2:20:11 PM

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Related Links

CNN News - Jennifer Leary
Red Paw - Assisting Displaced Pets and Their People