Justin Martyr is the perfect example of what a Christian should be. He lived as a saint and died a martyr. He saw the fullness in Christianity and the falseness in the philosophy that he had studied for thirty years of his life. He was not always accurate with his teaching, but had always been able to tell the line between the philosophies and the truth. He loved the real God and had one of the biggest hands in modern day churches.
Justin Martyr was born about 100 A.D in Flavia Neapolis, Samaria. Growing up he took a special interest in poetry, history and even rhetoric poetry. At about age fifteen, Justin took to liking philosophies, mainly Platonism and stoicism. For fifteen years he looked for God, as is the object in Platonism. He found it. At about age thirty he confronted face to face with an old man in a philosophical debate. He said that talking to him "My spirit was set on fire and I felt affection for the brothers and prophets in Christ." That's how Justin Martyr was saved.
Still wearing the robe that identified him as a philosopher, Justin went out to save the world. He decided to start with a school. He started the school in Ephesus and later into Rome. In about 165 A.D. Justin got into a debate with a man named Crescens. Crescens lost and was humiliated. Crescens fled in anger and told the authorities of Justin's belief in Christ. Justin and his faithful students were then put on trial for believing in an "illegal religion."
"Above all things you must have faith in the gods and obey the emperors", said the Prefect Rusticus. "All we have done is followed the law our Creator and Savior has given us," Justin replied confidently. Bewildered Rusticus asked, "what system of philosophy do you say is true then?" "After studying many I have found that the teachings of Christians, the teachings to serve the one true God. The creator of the seen and unseen, and His son the Lord and Savior." "You say you are a studied man. If I were to have you flogged and executed would do you suppose you'll go to heaven?" said Rusticus tauntingly. "I don't suppose I'm going to heaven, I know it," said the strong and confident Justin. There was a short pause and when finally Rusticus said with all the malice he could muster, "Then I have no choice but to have you scourged and beheaded."
Justin Martyr and his students were flogged and executed without mercy. But that is not where it ends. Justin and his students stood strong and confident until the very end - would you? The very thing that gave them strength was the very God Justin had served. The God that had loved YOU so much that he sent his son to die for YOU. Why would he die for you? After all, "all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). And "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), but God sent his son to die for us as payment of our sins. But he didn't just die, three days later he rose from the dead. He defeated death and opened the door for us to spend an eternity with the God who loves us beyond comprehension. "If you want this Gift of salvation then you kneel down and say this prayer; God,I know that I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus Christ took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. With your help, I place my trust in You for salvation. Thank You for Your wonderful grace and forgiveness - the gift of eternal life! Amen!" If you just said that prayer and was sincere then I will be seeing you in heaven someday!
Page created on 1/30/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 1/30/2008 12:00:00 AM