
John Scopes

by David from DuBois

John Scopes (Getty Images)
John Scopes (Getty Images)

John Scopes is the teacher behind the Scopes Trial, also known as the Monkey Trial. In 1925 he was charged with violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it a criminal offense to teach evolution in schools. He was found guilty but the verdict was eventually overturned due to a technicality and he was never brought back to trial.

This trial was important because it represented a change in the way students were taught. Further attempts by a fundamental minority to ban teaching evolution failed in the court of public opinion. The aftermath of the trial would highlight the growing separation of America from its fundamental roots. Eventually in 1958 the National Education Defense Act was passed which made all science text books include evolution.

Scopes is a hero because he stood up for his beliefs. Even though he knew he could go to jail he still taught evolution. He is also a hero for opening the door to the scientific theory of evolution to high schools. Because of him evolution is taught in American schools today.

Page created on 7/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/15/2011 12:00:00 AM

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