
James Stewart

by Kaden from Riley

''I'm so afraid of losing, I scare myself to win" ~ James Stewart

James Stewart was the first African American superstar to race a dirt bike. James Stewart was the first African American to win a championship in motocross history. James has many racing accomplishments in his career. James had to overcome racism during his racing career to become one of the best racers.

James was not accepted when he first started racing because he is African American. Stewart broke down racial barriers by becoming the first black superstar. In Ricky Carmichael's career, James Stewart was the only man to consistently challenge Ricky at every race event. Almost every race James and Ricky would battle for first place. Ricky would often get mad if James would win a race or Ricky would make a mistake that would cost him the race. James was one of the most competitive riders racing. The only times James missed a race was when he was hurt or injured. Another person James was competitive with was Chad Reed, a rider from Australia. He was a challenge for James because he had a different riding style and really challenged James because Chad was really hard to get used to because he was always changing the way he was riding. Chad was always changing and always developing new techniques.

James Stewart Still really wasn't accepted until he won his first championship. After he won his first championship people started to take him more seriously and actually saw him as competition. After he won his first championship he kept winning races, he had a burst of race wins. He ended up winning like 20 more races after he won his first championship. James has won four Championships. James is one of the most successful dirt bike riders out there, if not the most successful rider. The reason James is so good is because his dad started him out at the age of three. His dad was a motocross enthusiast and that's why he introduced James into the sport so early. His dad had watched motocross races and he just didn't have the money to do it himself. So then he started working to try to buy James his very first dirt bike at the age of three.

James Stewart was the first black superstar in motocross history. One of James quotes was, "I'm so afraid of losing that I scare myself to win." His dad and him broke down racial barriers together every time they went to a race. His dad was his pit crew, his fan, and his teammate. James and his dad have a really good bond that will never be broken throughout his career. His dad was very supportive during James' racing career. His dad took in a lot of hate when he first started to introduce James into racing.

James' 48th career win
James' 48th career win

James is still racing today but he isn't as competitive as he was back when he was younger. James has come a long way from his first race. He has had his ups and his downs and has experienced wrecks along the way. James is one of the most looked up to dirt bike racers. James has also had to overcome racism while racing too, even to this day. To this day, most of the motocross racers are white. The most that he had to overcome was racism while he was growing up and racing.

Page created on 10/17/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/17/2016 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Motorcycle-USA - Website
James Racing - GoPro: James Stewart 14th to 1st - 2014 Monster Energy Supercross Toronto
Best of James racing - YouTube