
John Felix Anthony Cena

by Julian from Oxnard

John Cena is an awesome wrestler
John Cena is an awesome wrestler

John Cena, the wrestler, is my hero for many reasons. He is my hero because he inspires me to watch wrestling. One reason he is a hero is because he often wins the WWE championship. He is very entertaining because when he wrestles, he makes the onlookers laugh. Another reason he is a hero is because he granted 100 wishes to the “Make a Wish Foundation.”

He was born on April 23, 1977. He made his debut in 2001. His first match was with Kurt Angle on June 27, 2002. He got drafted to Raw in 2005. John Cena won JBL at Wrestlemania 21 to win his first WWE Championship. John Cena has held the WWE Championship 3 times. In the next match, John Cena defended his WWE title against JBL in a Bloody I Quit Match. John Cena successfully won that match. John Cena has also been the United States Champion three times. He has also carried the World Heavyweight title 2 times. John Cena has a theme song named “You Can’t See Me.”

John Cena’s finishers are named “Attitude Adjustment,” “Stf,” and the “Five Knuckleshuffle” John Cena got drafted to Smackdown in 2002. That was his first brand he’s been in the WWE. That is why John Cena is my hero.

Page created on 10/25/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/25/2009 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

The Make a Wish Foundation - For more about John Cena's work out of the ring