
John Cena

by Erik from Poquoson

"Trust me, I know where my heart is and my heart's right here. I'm going to keep doing everything because I love to do it, but I will never sacrifice my time between the ropes."-John Cena

Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. These are the words that John Cena lives by. John Cena is someone who lives to serve others, never gives up on what he believes in and has the courage to face his conflicts. He was born in Newbury, Massachusetts in 1977. He has five brothers and he was the second oldest. He was on a high school division three all American football team. He went to Springfield University. He later went on to bodybuilding and then went into professional wrestling.

John Cena is a professional wrestler. He has the courage to face his problems and conflicts. When he tore his pectoral muscle, he came back months before he was supposed to. When somebody messes with him, he fights back and doesn't run away. After Randy Orton stole his championship, Cena fought for his chance to get it back and he did. Even when there's no chance of him winning, he always finds a way to fight the odds.

John Cena lives to serve others. One way he does this is he always pleases the fans and does everything he can to make them happy. The fans love him and when the fans ask for something he gives it to them. One day he went to Canada and the fans didn't like him but he started telling them how much he loved Canada and they began to love him. Every year he goes to Tribute to the Troops and wrestles for the U.S army. Tribute to the Troops has been around since 2003 and the wrestlers go to Iraq and Afghanistan and visit the U.S military bases. Another thing he has done was go to a New York Yankees game where he pitched the first ball. Every time there's a chance for him to be in a movie, to be on a TV show, or to help others he jumps up and wants to be in it.


Another trait of John Cena's is he always stands up for what he believes in and loves his country. Whenever he gets the chance he goes to Tribute to the Troops just for the army, and he wears shirts with the American colors on it. If he doesn't agree with someone, he tells them. He never gives up and never backs down. The fans love him for this reason. He always gets past his problems and his fellow wrestlers love being around him. People call him the champ because he stands by what he believes in.


John Cena is important to me because he has shown me what a true hero is. He never backs down from what he believes in, he always faces his conflicts, and he lives to serve others. The thing I like most about Cena is his determination and will to persevere. He has made a difference in my life by making me want to be more like him. I want to be just like him one day. I want to have the courage he has and face my conflicts. I have learned many things about him from my research that I didn't know before. He has inspired me to be a better person and taught me to face my conflicts.

Page created on 2/22/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/22/2010 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Tribute to the Troops - For more about this outstanding event


Cohen, Eric. "John Cena Biography." [Online] Available