by Myself
My dog kloi is like a mother to all, my dad, aunt, uncle, nieces,
nephews, and even me.
She be so depressed if my dad or I aint around, even if it’s just me going to school, or if my dad goes to work. If we leave her at home when we run into town she’ll climb up on the counter and eat the cats’ food, or she’ll climb out the 2nd storie window.
Once, when my dad and I went away, down state, (just for the day) to go visit my aunt she jumped down the window, then jumped our 7 foot fence (that surrounds our property) and when we came home she was sitting at the end of our drive way (which is 1 ½ miles long).Kloi has been trained in Search an Rescue, her mom Anne has past, but she was a 5 time world champion, 4 time nationals, and 2 times for the state of Michigan. My step mother is the owner of the kennel, its called “Sym-Rye-German Shepards.” I really appreciate her though cause she’s had 4 litters, she took on 3 others cause their mom couldn’t, also 2 cats and our goat we had for awhile…till someone from her first litter got in the goat’s cage.If one of my nieces or nephews falls Kloi sits on the coach with him/her till they forget that they fell. If any of the grandkids are tired she’ll lay on the floor with em` till they fall asleep. Kloi will play outside with them till its supper time and they’re all tired out (yup she even helps Grandma and Grandpa). I don’t think any body or any one for that matter has a dog that cares so much for so little in return!
Kayla M. Brown
6680 N. Dennis Rd.
Ludington MI
Page created on 11/3/2008 9:36:52 PM
Last edited 11/3/2008 9:36:52 PM