
Kid Cudi

by William from San Diego

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"Music has been there for me when no one else was and the only thing that stay when everyone else leaves." This is a quote by Scott Mescudi, otherwise known as Kid Cudi. Scott Mescudi was born January 30, 1984 in Ohio. He began his musical career at the end of high school. By this quote he means that you can't always rely on people but music can help you get through the hardships. This is not true for everyone but Kid Cudi tries to help teens and adults make it past the hard times in their life. To me, Kid Cudi is a real hero and doesn't get enough credit. I'm here today to give you reasons on why he deserves to be a hero. () ()

Cudi is a great musician, but an even better person. His care for people in need of help is admirable and should be looked upon as a modern day hero. "My whole thing is just to put out positive messages in the music, give something that can change their lives."-Kid Cudi. The quote shows that Kid Cudi doesn't care as much about his music career as much as he generally cares for the people he influences. Kid Cudi does everything he can to create music that gives people the inspiration to feel good about themselves. To me, this quote demonstrates how caring and selfless of a person Kid Cudi is, it shows he wants the best for everyone and instead of just talking about it he goes out and makes a change in the world.

Kid Cudi once stated to a reporter, "I've dealt with suicide for the past five years..., I know it comes from loneliness, I know it comes from not having self-worth, not loving yourself. These are things that kids don't have music that can coach them and give them that guidance." Having gone through suicide himself, Kid Cudi knows how to help people with suicide and give them guidance to happiness. Kid Cudi feels accomplished when he can help others and make them feel good, he's a true hero and there's not many of those these days. We should give major respect to our few heros instead of letting them go unnoticed, let them know their work is appreciated. The best part about Kid Cudi is that he's modest, after all the work he's done to help people and prevent suicide he has never expected to receive all the accolades that come with doing such amazing things. () ()

There's over seven billion people in the world, but one out of those seven billion people became a great person who cares about others. Everybody is different, so it was very rare that in one person you have a great musician and rapper, but also a good human being. He has many great personality traits such as being a caring, selfless, modest guy. I want everyone to not brag about Kid Cudi being the unsung hero, but for people to acknowledge him for the person he is. Kid Cudi can deal with the fame and not let it get to his head.

Works Cited:

Balfour, Jay. "Kid Cudi Says He Wants To "Help Kids Not Feel Alone And Stop Kids From Committing Suicide"

" HipHopDX RSS. N.p., 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015. Rogerz, Jasmine D. "Kid CuDi Reveals Struggle With Suicidal Thoughts."

"MadameNoire RSS. Jasmine Denise Rogerz, 18 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.` "Kid Cudi." N.p., 14 May 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015. Keith, Amy E."

"Is Hip Hop Holding Us Back As Black People? Kid Cudi Says 'Yes' & Talks About His Own Issues With Suicide." CocoaFab. Amy Elisa Keith, 17 Mar. 2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2015."

"Kid Cudi - Bornrich." Bornrich. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

Page created on 4/17/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 4/17/2015 12:00:00 AM

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