
Kaila Jaide

by Rachelle from Swift Current

Kaila Jaide :)  (
Kaila Jaide :) (

Kaila Jaide is my best friend and my hero. She has gone through so much in her life; she has inspired me in many ways. She has had her struggles but she is a strong woman and has pulled through them and is still living her life. She has been a mother of two beautiful boys; they are angels to all of us. She has lived in Swift Current and Saskatoon. She has attended school in Swift her life. She currently has an Adult 12, but is back at Maverick with me getting her 24 credits so that she can have an actual Grade 12.

Orian Xander Bear and Talon Asher Austin bear
Orian Xander Bear and Talon Asher Austin bear

Kaila is a very strong mother, women and best friend! Yes, Kaila had two beautiful boys. They would be a year and three months. She had two twin boys on July 1, 2011. Her boys' names are Orian Xander, and Talon Asher. Both boys were lost by July 4th. Orian was 1lb and 5oz when he was born. Talon was 1lb and 6oz at birth. Kaila got made up bears that are the exact weight that her boys were when they were born; she said that it was the best thing she ever could have gotten because she never got to hold both her boys at the same time. She is the strongest girl i know because she still can go out and live her life, even though she had to go through this. I pray that Kaila will be reunited with Talon and Orian one day.

Kaila is a beautiful girl! She doesn't always believe it but she is. She tells me that every day! She will say Hello Beautiful to me, it makes my day! We encourage each other because we have both struggled with things and we tell each other we're pretty and things like that to keep our self-esteem up! I don't want to see her go away because of something stupid she did because she thinks that she isn't pretty enough or good enough. She is just perfect and if anyone doesn't see that they can leave, we don't need them. 

Kaila is one of the best older sisters I have seen. She has 3 younger sisters. They are quite a bit younger than her but still she is a great sister to them. She does whatever she can for them. If it's their birthday she goes out and gets them a present and goes and sees them on their birthday! She loves those girls so much. She protects them so much as well. I am actually jealous because Kaila's sisters have such a great big sister; I wish that I had a big sister like Kaila! She would do anything for those girls.

Kaila and I :)
Kaila and I :)

Kaila is my best friend and my hero. I love her with all my heart! I would never regret meeting her! If I didn't have her I don't know where I would be right now. She has been there through everything, all the great times, and all the tough times. She will sit and listen to anything I need to say. If I need someone to cry to she will sit there and let me. She doesn't judge me when it happens either. She laughs with me too. She and I have had some great memories and there is just to many to name! I hope that there is more to come too. Love you Kaila!

Page created on 10/9/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/9/2012 12:00:00 AM

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