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When someone talks about “election”, I think of two grown men fighting over an election. Kind of like little kids fighting over who deserves the better marker in preschool. Well John Kerry and George W. Bush are fighting this year’s election out just like that with ratting on each other about anything they can find that the other ever did wrong. Everyone in my family is all for Bush, and I was too last year. Last year I didn’t pay much attention to the elections because honestly, last year I didn’t really care. Now I’m trying to teach my mom about the elections and trying to tell her about Kerry.
Last year President George Bush told us that he would make abortions illegal, which I might add never happened. While John Kerry was in the war earning a silver star, a bronze star, and three purple hearts and saving the life of Jim Rassmann, George Bush was back in the US with a drinking problem. To get things straight I don’t have anything against George Bush, I think he did and excellent job handling September 11th, but I just think that John Kerry has earned this spot for president based on trust. The main reason is probably because I trust John Kerry more because George Bush has had a bad past, (some) sources close to the Bush family reportedly alleged that Governor Bush was (once)arrested in for drug possession. First we find out about the drinking (that is a matter a fact, he has admitted to) and then we find out that there is (supposedly) a (past) record of a drug offence. Now is that really the kind of president we want ruling our country?
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Maybe he has changed but that doesn’t change who is more trustworthy, and maybe I am overreacting but maybe then again I’m not… let's think about this in a different context. Okay so you're looking for a babysitter for your kids because you want to go out to dinner, two men, treat the kids the same, cook the same, except one has had trouble with drugs and alcohol and the other has earned all kinds of fancy awards. Now which one would you pick to babysit your child?
Remember my reference to the preschoolers fighting over the marker? Well there’s plenty of things that Bush AND Kerry have said about each other and maybe some of it isn’t true but do you really think that they wouldn’t have found out if Kerry didn’t go to war and didn’t earn his purple hearts? Maybe Bush didn’t have an addiction and maybe he didn’t go to jail but you never know with this stuff.
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I think that Kerry is a hero to others near and far. I think he has proven himself trustworthy and I think that he’ll get things done. National security, economy and jobs, health care, emergency independence, homeland security, and the environment. I think he can handle everything Bush can't and more possibly.
Page created on 11/12/2004 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 11/12/2004 12:00:00 AM