
Kevin Graves

by Natalie from Greensboro

Kevin Graves Smiling with Glee (Photographer: Maude Caudle)
Kevin Graves Smiling with Glee (Photographer: Maude Caudle)

When I saw this teacher I knew that he would the best teacher in the world, Coach Graves. He is everything a P.E coach would imagine. He is no ordinary teacher; Coach Graves is hilarious, entertaining, and special. The voices he makes are incredibly funny, especially Darth Vader.

This is the way I describe Coach Graves (Image by Katherine)
This is the way I describe Coach Graves (Image by Katherine)

He teaches at Greensboro Day School. He also lives in Greensboro. Coach Graves is about the funniest person have I met. His voices can get out of hand. Once he did Mickey Mouse voices the whole P.E class.

Coach Graves is a professional break dancer. He does a mini show every class. Every once in while he spins on his head. He is very entertaining all the time. I think he should go Hollywood.

He is very special to me. Every day I greet him with excitement. He can entertain anybody he wants to whenever he wants.

So this all concludes that Coach Graves is the best. Can you imagine having a teacher like that! Well I can because I have a teacher like that. Well, I will never forget that Coach Graves.

Page created on 6/5/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/5/2007 12:00:00 AM

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