
Piet Kroon

by Jesse from La Cresenta

My dad always had a talent for jokes and it is all shown in his movie. He made me laugh at almost any time.
My dad, Piet Kroon
My dad, Piet Kroon

Piet Kroon is my hero. He is a movie director and, most important of all, he is my dad. My dad is not your ordinary American; he was not even born here. Piet Kroon was born in the Netherlands, a country in Europe. Unlike France or Germany, Holland is very small and has no major movie studios. My dad had a great talent for animated shorts and soon found his way to the Dutch Film Festival. My dad is very tall and has a slight Dutch accent. Now, as you can see, I chose my hero very well. He is a great man.

A picture from the preproduction<br> (I made it in Powerpoint)
A picture from the preproduction
(I made it in Powerpoint)

My dad was born in 1962. As a child, he lived in Holland with his 4 brothers and sisters. My dad and his older brother had a few interesting ideas. Soon, they made a comic book--5,000 of them! He and his brother had a good time off the spoils. A sad event happened when my dad turned 18; his dad died of smoking. After my dad left the nest he started working on an animated short. That short soon won him an award in London and then nearly an Oscar in Los Angeles. My dad moved to America to work with Warner Bros. There he made the motion picture Osmosis Jones, and it was a success.

An original artwork by Jesse Kroon
An original artwork by Jesse Kroon

Piet Kroon is important to me because he supports me and gives me many ideas to gnaw on and think about. He gives me hope that there are still good movie directors in the USA.

Page created on 7/2/2006 2:46:23 PM

Last edited 1/4/2017 9:59:21 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The British Animation Awards Web site - honored Piet Kroon with an award.

Author Info

This is a story about a very successful movie director that came from a country called Holland. Holland is very small and has no big movie studios. My dad had a great talent for animated shorts and was soon asked to come to America and work for Warner Bros. My dad has made a few successful productions and is known throughout the country.