
Louis Braille

by John from Brea (unknown) (unknown)

John Hall L Arts 12/20/11
My Hero Louis Braille
What characteristics do you think a hero has? Well I think a hero is intelligent, a leader and helps others. I see all these characteristics in Louis Braille. He is very intelligent, he was a leader not a follower and helped many other people, then and now. He is the inventor of the way for blind people to read called Braille. This gave the blind people of the world a way to read and learn.

Braille letters ( (unknown))
Braille letters ( (unknown))

One characteristic of a hero is intelligence and Louis was very intelligent. He invented a new way for people to learn. He became blind by accident when a wound in his eyes got infected so he needed a way to learn. He was very smart and got a scholarship to a blind school but the letter were just raised and he was very impatient. When a soldier came to visit the school he showed Louis a secret code for the soldiers but they couldn't understand it. Louis could though. He made the first Braille book when he was 15. Even though he made this book very early nobody used it until after his death.

The next characteristic of a hero is being a leader. I consider Louis a leader because he didn't wait for someone to make a way to learn for blind people; he made one on his own. He didn't follow someone and help them make up Braille; he did it on his own. This shows that he was an innovator not just a person who sits and waits for help. These qualities show that he was a leader not a person who follows and sits and watches.

The last characteristic of a hero is helping people. Louis helped so many people then and now. Braille gave blind people a way to learn and not just listen to people talk. When this was invented not many people used it but when people did use it, this system of learning helped them so much. Now that most blind people use this, it helps people on a much greater scale. Louis has helped so many people even though he is dead and he will help many more people in years to come.

What characteristics do you see in a hero? Well all these characteristics are all found in Louis Braille. He was intelligent by inventing the system of learning called Braille. He is a leader by not following and making his own way to help him. He helped others by inventing this and giving them a way to learn. He was a great innovator and did a great thing for the world then and now. He made a great impact on the world and is a hero to me and should be a hero to everyone.

Page created on 12/23/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/23/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Louis Braille Biography - Biography of Louis Braille
The Story of Louis Braille - Story of Louis Braille