The definition of a hero in the dictionary is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. My project Is about Lydia Darragh. She was a spy during the American Revolution war. She helped the American side and was never caught being a spy.
Lydia Darragh was born in 1728. She died on December 28, 1789. She married William Darragh. They had nine children but four died at birth. Their children were named Charles, Ann, John, William, and Susannah. Lydia's hometown was Dublin, Ireland. She moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. a few years after she got married. Her oldest son Charles joined the Continental Army and was at Whitemarsh, Pa. In 1777 the British were staying in Philadelphia. Her important accomplishment during the war was on December 2, 1777, when the British asked Lydia and her husband if they could use their house for a meeting. They said yes. The British asked Lydia and her husband because they were Quakers and were against the war. That night Lydia said she was going to sleep but she was really listening to what the British were saying. She heard that they were going to surprise attack the Continental Army at Whitemarsh, Pa. So the next morning Lydia told the British she was going to the store to get some flour for cooking, but on her way she went to the Continental camp and met one of the officers. She told him what the British said and asked that the officer tell George Washington. On December 4th, the British attacked the Continental Army but soon realized that the Americans were waiting for them and withdrew the attack. They never found out that Lydia was the spy and had told the Americans their plans. One major event in her life was she was a Quaker, a member of the Society of Friends. The Quakers did not believe in the war and if they thought any members were in support of the war, they asked them to leave the Society of Friends. Lydia lost her membership on August 29, 1783. It is not known why they asked her to leave or if it had to do with her supporting the war since the war had ended by 1783.
Lydia Darragh had several characteristics of a hero. She was brave because she took the chance to spy on the British when she could have gotten caught. Lydia Darragh also had courage because you need courage to sneak around and keep secrets from people. She is also selfless because she did all that just to protect her son even though if she got caught, the British would have killed her as a traitor.
Lydia Darragh was a true American Revolutionary hero. She saved the lives of many American soldiers including her son by risking her life to spy on the British. Back then, spies were very important during war because each side had no way to communicate so the spies would tell them important information.
Page created on 6/23/2013 12:00:00 AM
Last edited 6/23/2013 12:00:00 AM