
Lionel Messi

by Mohammad from San Diego

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Lionel Messi one of the kindest most caring people in the world goes on in life inspiring everyone in his path. Moving up the world soccer ladder as a troubled child from his hard work. His career and all of his achievements. As Messi said "Something deep in my character allows me to take the hits, and get on with trying to win". After all his hard work he has be winning and as a result of his success he has been giving back to the world in a generous manner.  

Lionel Messi did not have an easy childhood, it was rattled with big changes and hardships for him and his whole family. "Messi grew up in Rosario an industrial town 250 miles north of Buenos Aires, with his father, a factory worker and a part time soccer coach for a local youth league, his mother a maid for higher, two brothers, sister, and grandmother"(Leo Messi Newsmakers).Messi's family did not live in luxury both of his parents worked very hard to feed the 4 kids. Their financials were enough to keep them going and nothing more, always working hard both of his parents to stay financially stable."By the time he was eight years old it became apparent to Messi's parents that he was not growing normally. Doctors told him that he needed injections in his leg to treat a growth hormone deficiency;however; the injections were expensive and his parents could not afford them"(Leo Messi." Newsmakers). Not only was Lionel the smallest kid in his neighborhood, but he also was barely able to treat his problem. His growth problem made him prone to injury and made his parents struggle financially to pay for the treatment. It brought a burden upon his family, and most of all a burden upon himself for always being the smallest.

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Despite Lionel Messi's problem he was able to rise to his spot on the world stage to prove himself as the best."Messi was scouted by FC Barcelona and the team offered to pick up the costs for the treatments if messi signed with them. He agreed, and Messi moved to Barcelona, where his pro career took off"(Lionel Messi Gale). Lionel Messi from since he was a child has adapted to "win" using his athletic ability to help himself and his family. Not only did he relieve his father from the financial burden, but he also set the foundation on which his legendary career would take off on. "In 2005 he scored his first official goal, making him the youngest ever player to score for the club in a league game."(Lionel Messi Gale). Not only did Messi already show his talent but yet again he beat the odds. Entering as the smallest, youngest man on the field he managed to score in a game making his first of achievement." Messi has racked up a long list of trophies in his career but team wise they are extraordinary with 6 Supercopa De Espana, 3 champions league, 6 La Liga, 2 Copa Del Rey, 2 Super Club UEFA, 2 Club World Cup, 5 Ballon D'ors, and 9 Fifa World XI trophies"(Lionel Messi Gale). Messi is his career that took off right after his first goal has skyrocketed to one of the best of all time. From his hard work and ability to play with other he has had 21 trophies + in his career. Leading on to show us despite his size, growth deficiency, and hardships he still became the best of all time.

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Lionel not only has rose to stardom but also has given his time to help the helpless children of the world. ""I know there are a lot of children that have diseases, many that don't have an education, many that don't have good nutrition. I am ready to do everything I can to help them in my collaboration with UNICEF"(Donovan, Kate -., and). Lionel has made it his mission to help all of the children who the world does not see. Because of his past childhood hardships it modeled him into the loving type and he is ready to do anything to help every single one of those helpless children in the world. "I like that football reminds me of the importance of working with children. Football is much more than a sport. If it was possible, I would exchange my goals for teachers and schools for all children, and also for food to allow all children to grow healthy,"(UNICEF GOODWILL AMBASSADOR). A goal is a soccer player's pride it is what forwards are meant to do score goals. Him trading his goals would be him giving up his wins, trophies, and pride as a soccer player. He would be giving up his whole soccer world just for helpless children. When goodwill wasn't enough for him Messi set out to build a charity where he could make his effect."He founded the Leo Messi Foundation in 2007, which helps children in at-risk situations"(Lionel Messi Gale). Not only is Messi a UNICEF Ambassador but he also has his own charity. He of course put his own money and soul into this charity to help children all around the world. Because of Messi many children around the world have what they need to live and be educated child in my eyes the work he has put in with these children is extremely admirable, and heroic.

In conclusion Messi rose from the ranks of his boyhood club Old Newell Boys to the big stage in Barcelona. As a very small child he stayed consistent and became the best in world the world. Now he is helping other children around the world. Messi's life is a story of hardship, hard work, loyalty, and giving back and for that he is my hero.

Works Cited

Donovan, Kate -., and David -. Koch. "FC Barcelona Star Leo Messi Is Newest UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador." UNICEF. UNICEF, 11 Mar. 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

Donovan, Kate -. "UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and Soccer Sensation Messi Visits Haiti." UN News Center. UN, 19 July 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

"Lionel Messi." Gale Biography in Context. Detroit: Gale, 2011. Biography in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

Leo Messi." Newsmakers. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2012. Biography in Context. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.

"MESSI TO SERVE AS UNICEF GLOBAL GOODWILL AMBASSADOR." States News Service 11 Mar. 2010. Biography in Context. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.




Page created on 2/14/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 2/14/2016 12:00:00 AM

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