
Lacey Mosley

by Jillian from Pickerington

A hero to me is someone who has gone through some of the worst tragedies, and didn't let that stop them from doing something amazing with themselves. A hero inspires people to change for the better, and to keep people from making the same mistakes they had made. My hero uses music to give others hope. Her music and words have not only changed my life, but also many others.

I believe it is very important to have a hero. If there aren't people doing right in the world, who is there left for us to look up to? Everybody needs somebody to make them feel as though there still is good out there in the world. They need someone to instill hope in them, and that they can make a change.

A hero in my life has inspired me to change through music. Her name is Lacey Mosley. She is my hero because at one point in my life I was hopeless. I felt alone and hurt, and I felt that no-one understood the amount of pain I was in. I felt stuck and was convinced that nothing could be different. Lacey changed that. She is probably the one person on this Earth who can truly make people want to change. She went through a lot of pain and struggling in her life, to the point where she felt she was ready to die. When you get to that point in life it's hard to come out of thinking, "I won't amount to anything" or "no-one can take my pain away." It took a concerned Deacon, and a great amount of trust to make her want to change. Since then, she has wanted to help convince people that things do get better. That you have to trust that someone is there to help, who does understand. No-one could convince me that things would start looking up, until I heard Lacey speak. Lacey Mosley gave me hope.

This person should be inducted into a Hero Hall of Fame for so many reasons. Lacey hasn't just changed my life, but she has also changed many other's lives. It takes a lot of courage to do what she does, and to do it in front of so many people. She shares her story no matter the situation. Whether it's a room full of people, or just a new friend, she shares her story with the hope that no-one would have to endure what she did. She speaks for the many people out there who have had to deal with struggles, and don't have the voice to say it themselves. I can't imagine where I'd be if I hadn't heard her at the concert that day. She gives others hope that they can come out of a life that's filled with hurt and pain, and trade it in for something so much more than they would've ever known. She fits my exact definition of a hero and as most heroes, she should be recognized.

Page created on 3/9/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/9/2011 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Author Info

Hey! My name's Jillian. I'm from Pickerington, Ohio. I'm a freshman at Pickerington High School Central. I play Trumpet with the Marching Tigers. Music has been a passion of mine for many years. I enjoy making and listening to music. I have an older brother named Mikey who shares the same passion for music with me. You can find us either at Guitar Center, or playing guitars together at home. That's just a little bit about me.