
Laura Secord

by Kylie from Calgary

Laura Secod Web (I made it (I did))
Laura Secod Web (I made it (I did))

"I shall commence at the battle of Queenston where I was at the time cannon balls were flying about me in every direction. I left the place during the engagement. After the battle I returned to Queenston and then found my husband had been wounded, my house plundered and my property destroyed." -Historical Narratives of Early Canada

Laura Secord Portrait (I made it (I did))
Laura Secord Portrait (I made it (I did))

I chose Laura Secord because she ran from the U.S. to Canada to warn Fitzgibbon about the U.S. attack. She succeeded and that's why Canada is still Canada to this day. I also chose her because she is an amazing person in general. She was smart, smart enough to warn Fitzgibbon, wasn't she? She didn't do it alone. She asked for help and that's why I admire her. She shows us that even if you ask for help it doesn't mean other people are better than you.

Laura Ingersoll (Secord) was born on September 13, 1775 in Massachusetts. Her father fought in the American Revolution. After the war they moved to Canada. They lived near Niagara Falls for a little while, then they moved to the west. She married a man named James Desecors. From then on whomever had the family name was not called Desecors, but Secord. That is why Laura's last name is Secord. They had several children. Their names were Marry, Charlotte, Harriet, Charles Badeau, Appolonia, Laura Ann, and Hannah.

Laura did some very brave things and the most daring was saving Canada. To save Canada she walked through bramble and a terrible swamp. She went to the battlefield after the American Revolution was finished and found her husband and he was almost dead, so she nursed him back to health. Also when she found her husband there, a few men were preparing to beat him to death with their guns. So she begged them that in return for her husband's life, they could take hers instead. Luckily American Captain Jon E. Wool came upon the situation and reprimanded the soldiers. The city Ingersoll was named after Laura's family. She also has a chocolate company named after her.

So in conclusion Canada would not be Canada without Laura Secord. She was a smart, daring, beautiful woman and without her we wouldn't be the Canadians we are today.

Page created on 11/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/30/2012 12:00:00 AM

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