
Louie Zamperini

by Josh from Williamsville


Louie Zamperini is a hero to many. Louie is a hero because he gives hope by telling his story of how he was a champion, and became a survivor. His family knew and prayed that Louie would grow up to do great things and their prayers were answered. Louie did things that helped Veterans overcome their PTSD and finally become the men they used to be. He was a vision of hope for them. Louie Zamperini was an athlete and a freedom fighter.

Louie had a hard childhood. Louie was born on January 26, 1917, in Olean, NY. Louie didn't stay in New York for very long. In 1919, Louie acquired pneumonia. This made the Zamperini family moved to Torrance, California but before they got there Louie jumped off the train while it was moving so they had to go back and retrieve him. When the Zamperini's moved in, Louie became quite the troublemaker. Some thought he was untamable. He became a thief."If it was edible I would steal it" said Zamperini. His widely popular older brother Pete, did what none of the people of Torrance thought anyone could do. He tamed Louie. Pete was a Torrance track star while Louie was a bullied criminal. Pete got Louie into running and that was when the rebel inside Louie died. When Louie asked to join a sport the principal told Louie he could not join because of what he has done in the past, but Pete negotiated with the principal and asked him if he was ready to let Louie fail, so he let Louie try out for the Torrance track team. Louie broke the Torrance mile record with 5 minutes and two seconds. Louie got the name The Torrance Tornado and the name speaks for itself. Louie made to the Olympics and won an Olympic medal. After the start of WW2 Louie was not able to compete in the next Olympic event so he joined the army air corps

Louie was known for many things in sports. One thing that he is known for is the nickname The Torrance Tornado. Also he earned the NCAA mile track record with 4 min 6 seconds. In the Olympics he ran the 5,000 yard dash in 14.84 minuets. Also he survived 48 days at sea. Louie has made his name something that when someone would hear it they think of hope.

Louie had many challenges and obstacles. As a child he was bullied for being Italian. People would call him a name that people who wanted to be offensive to Italians would say. Also he was a delinquent child. Finally to wrap it all up, everyone thought he would turn up a no good criminal on the streets, except Pete. In the months at the prison camps he was beaten. After the war he came back with PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ). PTSD is when you can't sleep, have nightmares and or have flashbacks of your time in the war. Sadly because PTSD and the beatings from the prison guards Louie's running career came to an end. This is because of the beatings he got in the camps which gave him severe injuries and he never ran track again. Louie faced many obstacles in his lifetime.

Louie has accomplished many things and set many records. Louie set the longest time at sea record with 48 days at sea. He also has many medals, he has a Purple Heart, a Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Prisoner of War Medal. He also holds the NCAA mile run record with 4 minuets 6 seconds. Also he got to meet Hitler. The bad part is he almost was shot swiping a Nazi flag from a cathedral. Finally he got a medal from the Olympics. Louie has had many accomplishments in his lifetime. 

Louie Zamperini has many qualities. Louie has shown many acts of valor. Louie has this trait because he risked his life to give us freedom. Also Louie has fortitude. This is because he survived 4 months in prison camps. Even when he was offered a chance to leave the camps but speak propaganda messages, he said he would rather go back to the camps. He has Perseverance unlike any other. This is because he didn't just give up in the life rafts he kept going because he knew he would get out alive. He never stopped trying, that makes heroes.

Someone could learn an important lesson from Louie. The lessons they would learn would to start out is like his brother Pete says "If you can take it you can make it ". I say this because when Louie was little he started track cause he took it and he made it. Also someone could learn the lesson "Never give up hope." I say this because Louie didn't give up hope in those camps. He took every beating. Eventually all that suffering paid off and after the war was over those Japanese prison guards never broke Louie. I, as do many, feel thankful for everything that Louie Zamperini has given me.

Louie is my hero and he always will be. Louie's story of survival will always be something that will pick me up when I feel lost. Louie Zamperini became a vision of hope to many others. He helped many veterans and most of his family stood by him. He was a delinquent as a child but in the end he was a champion. I would have been honored to meet such a hero as Louie Zamperini. Louie is not just a runner or a soldier, he is a survivor and a legend. He is, Unbroken

Page created on 6/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/16/2015 12:00:00 AM

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Extra Info

Unbroken By: Laura Hillenbrad