
Lucas Magoon

by Ryann from Cloquet

This Is Lucas Magoon Doing a Front Board a down-f (I got this picture from Google)
This Is Lucas Magoon Doing a Front Board a down-f (I got this picture from Google)

I’m doing a Project on Lucas Magoon. He is my hero because he is a super good snowboarder. He is a street and park rider which means he is good at rails. He has the best part in Technine and I still think he is the on the Technine snowboard team. He snowboards 365 days out of the year and he is 20 years old. He is my hero also because he is about my age and he is super good. He has been snowboarding for a long time and I don’t think he is ever going to quit. He is going to be the next Shawn White, not in a half pipe but in rails.

He is from PITTSFORD Vermont. He has been riding for about 18 years. He is my favorite snowboarder of all time. He is in a lot of snowboard videos because he is super good and no one can touch him and reach the level he is at. If I could have any of his sponsors that would be sweet because it's hard to get sponsored in snowboarding.

I hope some day I'm able to meet him and chill with him. I want to be able to film him doing some rails and get some good shots at it. I think it would be sweet to be able to be his filmer for snowboard videos. I like to film and snowboard too. I hope some day he will come to Spirit Mountain and my friends and I can hang with him and show him what we all can do. I think that Gooner is good at jumps too, but not as good at rails. Every event I watch in snowboarding I see him on top of the boards. He is bomb at rails and still rising up.

Gooner is always going to be my favorite boarder and that will never change. I think it is tight that he is so young and he is one of the best pros. He knows how to hold it down in his sport and lots of pros think he is the best and talk him up because he is so young and still working his way to the top.

I did this project because I love to snowboard. I have been snowboarding for about 9 years and I won't stop doing it. I want to still be able to snowboard when I’m 75 years old. Lucas Magoon is the best.

Page created on 10/25/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/25/2009 12:00:00 AM

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