
Misha Collins

by Elsa from Mission Viejo

I actually think that the most efficacious way of making a difference is to lead by example, and doing random acts of kindness is setting a very good example of how to behave in the world.
A portrait of Misha Collins ((IMDB))
A portrait of Misha Collins ((IMDB))

The method by which our career heroes are chosen is strange, and often, we hadn't even considered the career until we saw someone do it, and said, "Yeah, I could see myself doing that." This was, coincidentally, my exact reaction when I saw Misha Collins act on my favorite TV-Show, Supernatural. I'd heard about him on the blogging website Tumblr before then, and it was actually the prospect of his appearance on the show that led me to watch it in the first place. His first episode was the premier of Season 4, and because I'd gotten a late start to the show, I'd just seen that episode about 6 months ago, even though it came out years ago. The skill and easiness with which he portrayed his many variations of the character Castiel shocked me. Repeatedly, Castiel underwent drastic, plot twisting changes, which had to be executed well in order to be truly appreciated by the audience. The very idea that one person could show so many contrastingly different personalities, all centered around the ordeals and transformations undergone by an already complex character, was not only amazing, but eye opening. Because suddenly, a career in the field of film was not only a possibility, but an appealing one. To be an actor was a notion I hadn't considered before I saw Misha Collins act, but the more I thought about it, the more alluring it became. Eventually, I began to do a little research.

According to the Webster Dictionary, an actor,"is one who represents a character in a dramatic production." What this essentially means is that actors, well, act. Whether it is on the big screen, a television show, or even Broadway, men and women around the world are actually paid to pretend to be someone else. With the technology surge around 2000, the quality of production for movies and television has increased drastically. Many actors nowadays actually opt to direct or produce portions of films they're already in. This is made an appealing option by the simpleness of machines nowadays, meaning that operating them is far easier. Rather than being someone who watches others perform, I prefer to do the acting myself, and learn what's going on behind the scenes. I actually enjoy pretending to be someone other than me for a little while. It's almost like an escape from reality, as I pretend that Elsa doesn't exist, and take on another identity. According to the website Chron Work, a television actor in the United States earns an average of $5,000 a week, a salary which may vary depending on the length of each episode and whether or not they have a credit at the front of the show as some variation of "Guest Star." Acting, unfortunately, is notoriously a competitive and inconsistent area of employment, but, for the best, it can be a lifetime job if done successfully. That's the cool thing about acting - There are no specific criteria or requirements to become an actor, just the basic skill of becoming someone else.

Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural ((Give Me My Remote))
Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural ((Give Me My Remote))

Even during the early years of Misha Collins' life, he was drawn to acting. His mother directed many school plays, and often cast him as the lead role which, although biased, gave him many opportunities to toy with the concept of being someone else on stage. In fact, he manipulated this concept throughout high school, often being an entirely new person for months at a time. Because he felt insecure in pursuing a lifestyle based solely on acting, he abandoned the hobby, instead attending three different colleges and universities (Northfield Mount Hermon School, Greenfield Center School, and University of Chicago), studying social theory. It wasn't until after his internship at the White House that he took an acting class on a whim, and soon landed himself his first role on Legacy in 1998, before a big break with Liberty Heights, in 1999, and Girl, Interrupted in the same year. From there, he took on both small and semi-large roles, on shows and films such as CSI, 24, ER, and Ringer. Above all, he is best known for his role as the angel Castiel on Supernatural. As said by Misha Collins on an exclusive interview done by MovieWeb, he first auditioned in 2008 when,"[his] agent sent [him] an audition for a demon on Supernatural earlier [that] summer." He'd been told that he would be playing a minor role for a few episodes before being inevitably killed by the Winchester brothers. That was the plan, anyway. In reality, he ended up portraying an angel, instead, and because of his popularity, remained on the show for 6 years, and is currently filming Season 10 with the two stars of the show, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, both on the screen and in the director's chair. Simultaneously, he runs two charity groups and a cooking show with his son, West.

What is most shocking to me about Misha Collins is not his acting skills, nor his active interaction with his fans, which is actually most unlike most actors who perceive themselves to be above that. What impresses me most is his devoted attitude towards helping others and his consistent encouragement of being kind at every opportunity. He co-founded his charity group, Random Acts, in early 2010 with the help of Lisa Walker. The group raises money to build schools, fund orphanages, and inspire random acts of kindness around the world. To raise money for his group, he founded the Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen, or GISHWHES, as he so fondly calls it to save time, in 2011. A year later, the scavenger hunt broke the Guinness World Record of most pledges to perform an act of kindness. The GISHWHES website describes it as, "[donating] tens of thousands of dollars to the charity Random Acts and [perpetuating] thousands of charitable actions around the world." On their website, displayed front and center, are testimonials from people around the world, describing their experience of participating in GISHWHES. Jennifer Archer said, "GISHWHES reawakened a part of me that finger painted as a child and laughed at my messes. I cannot remember the last time I felt this inspired and joyful." In addition to charity, Collins started a cooking show on YouTube with his son, West Anaximander, Cooking Fast and Fresh With West.

Misha Collins prepares to direct E.17 Supernatural ((Enstarz) (Vanessa Frith))
Misha Collins prepares to direct E.17 Supernatural ((Enstarz) (Vanessa Frith))

I personally cannot think of a better role model than Misha Collins, both as an actor and as a person. Although he may not have known exactly where he was going with his life in the early years, he found his true calling eventually, and makes the world a better place through his kindness and talent. His success inspired me to participate in Capo Valley High School's Drama Club, and focus my attention on photography to better tone my skills with a camera. I'm aiming to major in creative writing, as I was inspired in Collins' edits to the scripts of the many films he's done, both through acting and directing. I've realized that being an actor doesn't mean losing yourself into another person; in fact, it means quite the opposite. Acting requires a basis of knowing just who you are. Collins' inspiration for me personally carries over not just my career life, but my personal one. Misha Collins' hard work and dedication to be a good person has not gone unnoticed by me, and has inspired me to do random acts of kindness, showing generosity and kindness just as he does. As Collins says, "I actually think the most efficacious way of making a difference is to lead by example, and doing random acts of kindness is setting a very good example of how to behave in the world." His encouragement that you should follow your dreams really made an impact on me, coming from him, seeing as how he didn't know what his dreams were until during college. Yet, I've learned from him that it's never too late to realize what you want to do. There never comes a point where you're committed to a career path, no matter what direction you've taken in education and expenses. No matter how overused the phrase is, it's actually true: Follow your dreams. Chase down any and every opportunity you're presented with. You have no idea if or when it'll come again.

Page created on 12/17/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 12/17/2014 12:00:00 AM

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