
Mark Fischbach (Markiplier)

by Amber from Fredericksburg

Mark making a video. (Burke, Jason.
Mark making a video. (Burke, Jason. "YouTube Gamer Markiplier Just Raised $75,000 In 18 Hours." Videoter. Videoter, 21 Feb)
Mark Fischbach, more commonly known as Markiplier is a youtuber. He puts out gaming videos, along with sketch comedy videos on his channel. He publishes roughly two or three videos every day. Mark can be seen as a very compassionate person, doing fundraisers and supporting charities. Some of them raising thousands of dollars. As seen with his support in the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, where he raised over $75,000. Though the main reason he is a hero is because of his personality. If you were to have watched "Teens React to Markiplier" on the Fine Brothers Entertainment channel on Youtube it would seem many people enjoy his videos, one person told of how Mark brought him happiness when his life was going through a really rough patch. It may not make sense for him to be a hero since he never technically saved someone's life, physically. He is still a hero nonetheless, he has a sense of happiness and energy that goes into his videos that can make nearly anyone ecstatic. In a sense his viewers see him as a friend. Not in a way that you talk to him and hang out but in a sense that when you are feeling down and need some cheering up he will be there to make you smile. Sometimes that is what people need to "save their life." In his words, "My only objective is to make people happy". When it comes to mental issues, a lot of people suffer from it. But since it's not something that we can react to with our five senses it ends up being pushed aside and hidden away, as if it's not a real thing. Though mental health can be just as important as physical health. If not given an outlet for mental illness, people can succumb to harming themselves or others. Some people, such as Mark, recognize that and try to help those people out as much as they can. That's one of the reasons why Mark is known for his support in depression and bipolar awareness charities rather than physical health or environmental charities.In a video posted by The Fine Brothers, titled "Teens React to Markiplier" a group of teens were brought together to react to a compilation of markiplier's funnier moments. Out of that group of people there was one teen, Daniel, who shared a story about his personal life relating to Mark. He went on to say "This year I went through a really depressing grandfather died, I went through a bad break up, and it really took a toll on me and his videos kept me above water, and that i'm really grateful for". Later on the fine brothers told the teens that Mark may very well see the video and asked them to say something directed to Mark. Daniel then went speechless and got quite emotional attempting to express his admiration for him. Mark did actually end up seeing the video and made a reaction video to it called, "Markiplier Reacts to Teens React to Markiplier". Toward the ending he made a call out to Daniel saying "I need to get in contact with that guy in the blue shirt." which he later found out was Daniel.
Mark weighing himself compared to sharks.  (Fischbach, Mark.
Mark weighing himself compared to sharks. (Fischbach, Mark. "187 Pounds of Pure Sass" Twitter. Twitter, 23 Dec. 201)
Though this is just one example out of many people whose lives he's changed. He even got asked by the, Make A Wish Foundation to travel to Austin, Texas to hang out with a girl named Denell. Denell suffers from Leukemia (ALL) .He spent the day hanging out with her before she went to get a bone marrow transplant a few days after their meeting. Though most would have just done that and left it be but he actually followed her on twitter. This just shows how much he changes people's lives and how he wanted to get out there and help out complete stranger because he knows it's the right thing to do. Many youtubers along with other celebrities do things to help out others such as charities and fundraisers but Mark, in my opinion, will go out his way to make a difference.  Sometime, he will contact those whose lives he affected and really seems to want to improve the world. Then again, he has been through some rough times and can relate to those in need of help.

If you were to watch his "Draw My Life" video, you would know he's been through some hard times. He, like many people had family issues such as when he was young his parents would fight,  but he and his brother would try to distract themselves from it by playing videos games, after a while things just didn't work out and his parents got a divorce. They lost a lot of money and eventually had to sell their house. Also, since they lost a lot of money he had to go to a public school, he talked about how everything felt "foreign" to him, like he lost everything, his house, his friends, everything he once knew. Though he eventually make friends and his dad found someone who made him happy; things were looking up for them. Going towards the end of high school and almost in college his father came up to Mark and gave him a letter telling mark that he had cancer. Mark then began to contemplate what he wanted to do with the rest of his life, going from creating games to engineering to medical engineering back to games. One year later his dad died from cancer; after that, he says that he was very confused. Not wanting to do engineering anymore, but worried that it was too late to go back he didn't know what to do. He then moved back with his mom. After a while he met a girl he liked,but his mother didn't approve her so she kicked him out, he found an apartment, but then his boss fired him, along with that him and his girlfriend were having issues so they broke up. Also, around that time he got a pain in his side,which later on turned into terrible pain. He went to the doctor where he found out his Appendix was about to burst, along with having a tumor in his adrenal gland. He goes onto say " I managed to truck through it some how. Thankfully for reconciling with my mom; and my step mom was still there for me." After this, he decided to make a big change in his life. He got his grades back up in Engineering school,with the little money he had he got a camera to make sketch videos with, played games he wanted to play and make his own identity in the (YouTube) internet. Shortly after creating a Youtube account and making some videos for his fans his subscriber rate skyrocketed, getting him to where he is today. Mark then states "I was lost before; I had no purpose before.Now we are able to change the world, do good, raise money for charity, do just everything we want to do to improve the world." This shows just how much he went through and still has a positive view on the world. Still wanting to make a change.

Mark looking fancy. (Fischbach, Mark.
Mark looking fancy. (Fischbach, Mark. "How Do I Look? Good Enough for the White House?" Twitt)

He also recently suffered through the death of his close friend Daniel Kyre. Daniel worked in a sketch group called Cyndago. Cyndago was made up of Daniel Kyre, Ryan Magee, and a new editor, Matt Watson. Mark began working with them in the past 2-3 years. Doing videos with them and eventually moving in with them. But on September 18th, 2015. Daniel had attempted suicide. Though he survived it, Daniel suffered with severe brain injury, and his family made the decision to take him off life support. Mark who had grown close to Daniel eventually went on a Hiatus; roughly lasting two weeks. He took some time to figure things out but bounced back in a matter of weeks, going back to his goofy, bubbly personality. Cyndago had decided to stop creating videos, but they still wanted to make short sketches with Mark. So my point to say it that Mark has been through a lot of rough time, going through parental divorce to surgery, to a heart attack, and even the death of a close friend but he still got through it and is still trying his hardest to improve the world.

Though whatever happens he's always modest. Saying he is not into creating Youtube videos for fame or fortune, but because he has a fun time and enjoys what he does. He recently make a post on Tumblr talking about how he doesn't want to be seen as an idol or as above anyone. He is just a person like you or I. In this post he states "...nor do I want anything in return besides a smile and a promise to do some good in the world". also " If I didn't enjoy what I do I would quit tomorrow but every day I eagerly await planning out what crazy new thing I'm going to do next". and ending the post with "At the end of the day, I'm just a goof. A goof that likes to play games..So have some fun and don't take things so seriously. And don't forget to smile!" 

So in a way he shows all the traits of a hero, just differently than most. Doing fundraisers and charity events to help out other, along with having his intentions as a youtuber towards doing good for others as a whole. He has been through hard times, and even when it seemed like things couldn't get worse, he got back up and made  choices to improve his life. Always choosing to use that energy for the benefit of others. Yet he is modest about it, just wanting to be seen as a friend. Thus, he shows the traits of being compassionate, mentally strong, and modest.

Page created on 1/10/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/10/2016 12:00:00 AM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.


Fischbach, Mark. "I''M A GOOF." [Online] Available Fischbach.

Fischbach, Mark. "My Only Objective Is to Make People Happy.." [Online] Available Fischbach.

Fischbach, Mark. "Draw My Life - Markiplier." [Online] Available Fischbach.

Fischbach, Mark . "Facebook Logo." [Online] Available Fischbach.

Fischbach, Mark. "Markiplier Returns." [Online] Available Fischbach.