
Michael Jeffrey Jordan

by Gabe Reynoso from San Diego, CA

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"The key to success is failure" This quote displays true heroism. This quote also shows how hard working someone is. Michael Jordan said this quote and this inspired many young kids to never give up on their dreams. Michael Jordan is a NBA legend and an inspiration to kids. But, he did not have a good childhood. Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born on February 17, 1963 in Brooklyn, NY. He grew up in Wilmington, North Carolina. As a child, Michael was taught by his parents, James and Delores Jordan, to work with determination and always to focus on doing his best at whatever he attempted. These things are what guided Jordan to his success. A hero must possess true determination and the will to work hard to achieve something. Michael Jordan is not only a legend at basketball; He is also an inspirational hero to all the kids around the United States because of his pure talent at basketball , his hard work to get to where he is now, and his generosity to give back to his community.

Michael Jordan is known for lots of things but the major thing he is known for is his pure talent at basketball. Jordan had a lot of great achievements in his career in the NBA, but it would not have happened if;"He was a starter for the Tar Heels from the first game of his freshman year. He became a national celebrity later that season when he sank a winning 15-foot jump shot in the final seconds of the 1982 NCAA Championship"("Michael Jordan"). Jordan not only sunk that game winner, but he gathered that confidence and kept it going throughout his career. Jordan's pure talent and poise under pressure is what made him overcome that pressure and sink that shot to win the game. Jordan won a lot of awards in the NBA including when; "Jordan was named the NBA's Most Valuable Player (MVP) five times (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998) and was also named Defensive Player of the Year in 1988"("Jordan, Michael"). This proves Jordan was a phenomenon at basketball. Winning multiple awards in a span of 15 years is legendary and difficult. To sum up, Jordan's legendary caliber talent is why we know him today.
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Michael Jordan shows what it means to work hard by always giving 110% on and off the court. Most of the kids who play sports don't really give back to their community. Jordan was different; "Michael Jordan gave it his all off the court as much as he did on. He helped many different people, in many different ways"("The My Hero Project - Michael Jordan."). Jordan was determined to be the best one out there every game and in his community. He practiced hard every practice and that is why he made that 15 foot corner jumpshot in the championship game. In high school, Jordan's hard work and hustle allowed him to achieve this;"Michael not only made the varsity squad in his junior year but also impressed his coach, Clifton Herring, enough for him to persuade a prestigious basketball camp to allow Michael to attend. The Five Star Basketball Camp in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was run by Howie Garfinkel and had become known as the summer camp where prospects for major colleges were groomed. The camp bolstered Michael's confidence" ("Michael Jordan"). Jordan was loved by all hs coaches. He always gave 110% no matter the score of the game. Because of how much hard work Jordan put towards achieving his dream, the entire United States and beyond gave him the respect he earned. In conclusion, Michael's "Always work hard" mentality is what made him prosper as a legendary basketball player. In his career, Michael displayed a lot of generosity and willing to give back to his community. Jordan demonstrates his generosity and shows his love to his community by; "In 1994 he started the James R. Jordan Boys and Girls Club and Family Life Center, named after his father"("Jordan, Michael"). Jordan made this Boys and Girls club to show the people with mental problems that just because they have a disability doesn't mean that they should quit on their dream. Jordan made everyone believe that there is no one that is different because of a disability. With Jordan not being greedy with his money, he earned the respect of the USA for example when one person said; "There are many other people that would agree with me, even if they don't like the Chicago Bulls or even Jordan himself, just because his achievements demand respect"("The My Hero Project - Michael Jordan."). All in all, Jordan made a lot of generous deeds that could possibly have changed his community drastically.
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Michael Jordan is an inspirational hero and a basketball legend because he truly inspires kids to become the greatest they could possibly be and he achieved such great heights in his career and that deserves recognition. All the awards, and championships he won is what makes him the greatest player ever to touch a basketball. Also, with him not making the team and being cut from the team really helped him understand that he needs to develop a hard - working attitude and that is what he did. Michael Jordan inspires me and hopefully others because I personally admire his talent. He also inspired me by his hard work mentality. Lastly, he inspired me that I possibly could make a change in the world. This is what I learned about Michael Jeffrey Jordan. What will you learn from one of the greatest basketball players/ humanitarians of all time?

Works Cited

"The My Hero Project - Michael Jordan." Web. 29 Jan. 2016.

Porter, David L. Michael Jordan: A Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2007. Print.

"Michael Jordan." Contemporary Black Biography. Vol. 21. Detroit: Gale, 1999. Biography in Context. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.

"Michael Jordan." Great Athletes (Salem Press) (2001): 1240. Biography Reference Center. Web. 30 Jan. 2016.

"Jordan, Michael." Britannica Biographies (2012): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

"Michael Jordan." Michael Jordan (Biography Today) (2010): 1. Biography Reference Center. Web. 7 Feb. 2016.

Page created on 7/19/2016 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/19/2016 12:00:00 AM

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