
Mariatu Kamara

by Natalie & Sam from Cookstown, Canada

Mariatu Kamara (The Mariatu Foundation)
Mariatu Kamara (The Mariatu Foundation)

Our hero is Mariatu Kamara. She defines our definition of a hero which is someone who goes out of their way to help someone else, disregarding any consequences. She has been through some horrible things, but these are the things that make her want to help others.

Mariatu was born in Sierra Leone, Africa. When she was about 12, there was a lot of war and violence in her country. There were boys of all ages called rebels going around terrorizing towns, injuring and even killing people. Unfortunately, Mariatu encountered these rebel soldiers. She was taken away from some of her family and friends who were trapped in a burning hut. The rebels brutally punished Mariatu by cutting off her arms, just below her elbows.

Later on Mariatu was medically cared for and reunited with some of her family in a refugee camp in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Mariatu and her cousins spent their days begging on the side of the busy street for money. While living at the refugee camp Mariatu found out she was pregnant, at only 12 years old! After the baby was born, he (Abdul) died only a few months later.

A journalist soon found out about Mariatu's story, she started interviewing her and soon Mariatu starred in a local newspaper. A few years later and family brought her over to Canada. She was very lucky to have things she’s never had back in Sierra Leone, like: a safe house, her own bed, fresh water, an abundance of food, and the privilege to go to school.

Mariatu and an author named Sarah Farran wrote a book about Mariatu's life called “The Bite of The Mango.” We have been fortunate enough to read the book and meet Mariatu. Her biggest accomplishment is creating her own foundation called “The Mariatu’s Foundation.” Her goal is to build a school in Sierra Leone for underprivileged children. She wants to give them the chance to go to school because it opens many doors. We have donated over a thousand books and over a hundred pairs of shoes to her foundation. Meeting her and reading her book has inspired us to become better people and help others. We now know how important it is to not take advantage of the things we have because there are so many people in the world who aren’t as fortunate as us. We recommend that you read her book, and you will become as inspired as we are!

Page created on 7/2/2011 12:37:30 PM

Last edited 7/2/2011 12:37:30 PM

The beliefs, viewpoints and opinions expressed in this hero submission on the website are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs, viewpoints and opinions of The MY HERO Project and its staff.

Related Links

The Mariatu Foundation