
Martin Luther King

by Eziorah from Amiens

For me a hero is brave, committed, smart, wise, strong, courageous and determined. A hero does things for others and stands up for their beliefs. A hero is fictive or a legendary figure endowed with powers and physical strength. A hero is admired for his great deeds. A hero has to be committed to a cause. A hero has to be always there to achieve his goals.

Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968 (he was assassinated ). He married Coretta Scott the 18th June 1953 they had four children. He was a humanitarian and social reformer who fought for African-American civil rights during the 1950s and 60s. First he led the 1955 Montgomery Boycott. He then fought for civil rights because he envisioned a world where black citizens and while citizens were treated equally. He after realized that even victories such as Brown v. board of education, which desegregated schools, were not doing much to eliminate racism in the country. King based his philosophy of peaceful civil disobedience on his Christian beliefs. He was also influenced by Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian political leader who used nonviolent tactics to lead the Indian independence movement against British rule. Martin Luther King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and he became American holiday since 1986. His famous "I have a Dream" speech proclaimed a vision of equality and galvanized generations of Americans to fight against social and racial injustice. He was a leading activist in the American Civil Rights Movement.

I choose Martin Luther King because of his kindness. He was a very courageous and brave man. He never gave up. He achieved his goals. We are all proud of him. He is great and lovely, he is unselfish. He has a great heart and he does think about others. I know if he had to do it again he would surely do it.

Page created on 3/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/16/2017 12:00:00 AM

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