
Martin Luther King Jr.

by Brittany

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a Baptist Minister for his church. He also was a social activist who led the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950's. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4, 1968. He was assassinated on the balcony of his motel room by a man with a sniper rifle. The bullet went into his cheek, through his neck, and finally into his shoulder blade. Not long after he was taken to the hospital, an hour after he was shot he was pronounced dead. Martin Luther King Jr. is a hero because he was a leader, he was brave and inspired major changes to how people thought about African American people.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader who would encourage his followers to stay away from violence. He would always tell them not to hurt anyone no matter what. Martin Luther King Jr. would organize peaceful protests. Peaceful protests are when people protest without hurting anyone. Martin Luther King Jr. would confront the government and public officials to speak to them with intelligence about the rights for black people. These characteristics are why Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a brave man because he knew that a lot of people were against his ideas but he kept preaching them. Martin Luther King Jr. marched down public streets with bystanders spraying him with hoses but he still kept marching. Police would let K9 dogs out to attack them while they protested peacefully with no violence involved. Martin Luther King Jr, was bravely willing to give his life for his people's future which he ultimately did.

Martin Luther King Jr. is an inspiring person to an entire generation of people. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most inspirational speakers of the 20th century. He would speak in ways that touched people's hearts and make them want to follow him in fighting for black rights. One of Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speeches was the "I Have A Dream" speech. Martin Luther King Jr. followed his dreams of bringing rights to the black people and changed millions of lives.

I chose Martin Luther King Jr. as my hero because he is a role model and someone I can look up to. Martin Luther King Jr. is a good role model because he was never violent and he was a very peaceful man. Martin Luther King Jr. is also a role model because he never gave up trying for what he wanted to do, which was change the rights for black people. He wouldn't stop trying until things changed for his people even though he knew it would probably cost him his life. Martin Luther King Jr. is my hero, who is yours?

Page created on 5/13/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/13/2013 12:00:00 AM

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Rosenberg, Jennifer . "Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated ." [Online] Available

Britannica , Encyclopedia . "King, Martin Luther, Jr.." [Online] Available