
Martin Luther King Jr.

by Catherine from Nanjing

This is Martin Luther King Jr. doing a speech (
This is Martin Luther King Jr. doing a speech (

Hello, my name is Catherine Wang. My hero is Martin Luther King Jr. He is my hero because he taught me and others to never give up when it comes to hard work. Also he worked to give African Americans the same rights white people, and so they can play together.

Martin Luther King first had a job as a Minister in a baptist church and learned from his dad to speak in powerful words. But he had always had dreams to change the world one day, so he can see black and white people playing happily. He went to work immediately.

And now is when a women named Rosa Parks went on a crowded bus after a tiring work. She sat in a seat when a white man came in and asked her to give him the seat. Rosa knew it was unfair so she didn't give her seat, even when the bus driver called the police. When Martin Luther King Jr. heard about this he got to work once again. His final decision was a bus boycott because most black men and women sat in the buses. He gave speeches and calls while wishing the bus boycott was going to work. In no time a surprising news came: It worked! The bus companies were losing money without the blacks going on the buses.

Still Martin didn’t stop he kept on working, calling and doing speeches. One of his most famous speeches is I Have A Dream. Martin Luther King Jr. soon got famous. He did more speeches to make sure African Americans can also vote. Soon he made it, African Americans can vote now. Martin Luther King Jr. went on to the porch then suddenly a bullet shot and hit Martin Luther King Jr. Sadly our hero died.

My drawing of Martin Luther King Jr.
My drawing of Martin Luther King Jr.

Even if my hero died, he is still my hero. He cared for others and taught me to never give up when something difficult comes.

Page created on 10/13/2009 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 10/13/2009 12:00:00 AM

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