
Maggie McGinty

by Abby from Dublin

A hero doesn't have to be rich or poor. A hero is someone with a big heart that will do anything and everything to save and help you. They don't give up. They don't stop because they don't know where to go or what to do. A hero will stop at nothing, nothing, to do the one task you need. A hero can be anyone that does something to help you or save you. People who are heroes just need a huge heart that cares for anyone and everyone. It's the small things you do that make you a true hero.

My hero is the doctor that helped me when I broke my wrist. I went to the emergency room on the day of Hurricane Ike when the winds were blowing and the electricity was about to go out. I do not know the doctor's name, but that's one of the things that can make you a hero. A stranger doing a good deed for you, even when something is about to go wrong and something bad might happen. Anyway, my mom and I went to the urgent care and the doctor got us in right away. He took us to the x-ray room, determined to check out my wrist before the power went out. We got the x-ray in just in time, when the power went out. It was scary, but the doctor led us to a room where there was little light coming in from the window because of the strong winds and pouring rain.

There, he put on a cast and got me all healed up. We thanked him profusely, but he just waved it away and said he was doing his job. My wrist might have been different if he hadn't done what he had. I'm grateful for him helping me, and I will always remember it. I would have been in a lot of pain at home that night if he hadn't done what he had.

My other big hero is Maggie McGinty, the young nurse/doctor who helped me get a shorter cast, take more x-rays, and cut off my cast when it was time. The reason she has inspired me is because during the winter, she was playing outside with her kids and slipped and fell in the ice. She landed on her wrist and broke it very, very badly. Maggie said she has had 18 casts, 5 surgeries, and many more to come. It was amazing that she could bounce right back and still get to work and help people who are like her, even despite her injuries. I remember she had a red cast when she was helping me. Maggie and I were like broken wrist buddies! I will also admire her for her resilience and great moods all the time.

Maggie McGinty
Maggie McGinty

A hero is an ordinary person who makes your life better. They help you no matter what, and will stop at nothing to save you. That's why the doctor and Maggie are my heroes.

Page created on 6/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/21/2011 12:00:00 AM

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