
Lt. Michael P. Murphy

by Kyle from Mission Viejo

“I can think of no one more deserving of this medal today. It can never make up for his loss, but it extends the honor which he and his family so well deserve.” said Rep. Timothy Bishop

I first learned about Lt. Michael P. Murphy when I read the book Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell. It was a very inspirational. While in Afghanistan the SEAL team was pinned down by terrorists. They were all alone and their radio didn’t have reception where they were. Lt. Michael Murphy knew how bad the situation was and knew they had to call for backup. Without thinking about his safety he ran out into the open to make the call. While doing this he was shot through the stomach. His actions helped save his team. That is why I think he is a hero.

Lt. Michael Murphy was a lieutenant in the United States Navy. After he went through navy ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps), he went straight to SEAL training (SEa, Air, Land.) Navy SEALs are the most well trained men in the world. They go on secret missions to take out a target or recon the area. Navy SEALs do not get paid very much. They don’t care though because they do it to serve and protect their country. The training to become a SEAL is very demanding. They have the hardest training in the world that tests you physically and mentally. To become a SEAL takes a lot of determination.

His selflessness in battle traced back to when he was a child. One day in middle school three bullies tried to shove a disabled kid into a locker. He then got in the middle of it and fought the bullies off. His mom then called him the Protector after that. He was always a good swimmer which is priceless to a SEAL. When he was 18 months old he ran and jumped into a pool and swan across it no problem. He went to Penn State University for college. He double majored in political science and psychology. He was also on the hockey team. After he graduated he was invited to many law schools but he decided to become a SEAL.

Michael Murphy is a hero to all Americans. He dedicated his life to protecting his country and died defending the country. He should be an inspiration to every American because he is a person who is brave and selfless. He defines what a real American is and every American should love America like he did.

To become like Lt. Michael P. Murphy I will get good grades in high school. I will also always do my best at everything I do. I will do well in sports too. I will become an officer in the Navy either through ROTC or the Naval Academy. I will do my best to follow my lifestyle after Michael Murphy.

Page created on 11/2/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 11/2/2008 12:00:00 AM

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www.iraqwarheroes - The website is to not let the memory of all the American heroes to slip away - For Navy SEALs and supporters