The following story was written by a student.

Molly Ludwig Hays

by Corina from Atlantic Highlands

130033Molly Pitcher fights the Monmouth BattlePublic DomainHave you ever wondered what the heroes of America are like? Some things that make a hero are bravery, courage, and helpfulness. A Hero is also someone who goes out of their way to save or help another person. My hero of the American Revolution is Molly Ludwig Hays, also known as Molly Pitcher. Molly Pitcher is a hero because during the American Revolution Molly found water from a spring nearby and bravely brought it to soldiers who where wounded or tired. This is how she got her nickname. Also in 1763, when her husband, John Hays was in war firing the cannon and he became hurt and she took over his place at the cannon. She showed women can fight alongside men. To me, Molly Pitcher is a hero because she changed many people's lives during the war.

Molly Pitcher was born in the year of 1754 near Trenton, NJ. Later in life she moved to Carslie, Pennsylvania. There she worked as a family servant for General William Irvine. Here Molly met a man named John Hays at a barber shop and fell in love. Later in life Molly married John Hays. One major accomplishment of Molly Pitcher's is that when the American Revolution was going on Molly went with her husband to the Battle of Monmouth to carry pitchers of water to the wounded soldiers - the patriots. Taking the water to these men that day saved many soldier's lives. After the war, there is very little known about her life. But, we do know she re-married a man named George McCauley, that was not a happy marriage and they were very poor. It is so sad that it was not until 1822, when she was 68 years old, that Molly was awarded for her war efforts with a forty dollar yearly pension from the common of Pennsylvania. Also General Washington awarded her with the title ''Sergent Molly''. Molly died on January 22, 1832 but she will always be remembered.

Some characteristics Molly Pitcher has are bravery, courage, and helpfulness.Molly Pitcher was brave during war because when she saw her husband pass away she must have been heartbroken. But instead of crying she marched over to that cannon and started firing. This was brave because women where not even allowed to fight in this war! Molly Pitcher was very courageous when she ran to a nearby stream to get water for the wounded soldiers. She had to run into British territory. This must have been scary for Molly because she could have gotten shot, captured or hanged. But, Molly was brave and risked her own life to save the soldiers. Molly was very helpful to the soldiers when they were wounded because she dragged them off the battlefield to shade and brought them water. Without Molly's help it could have been death for the soldiers. Bringing them to shade also helped because it was a 98 degree day, and the soldiers were too exhausted to walk. These are the characteristics that make Molly a hero.

Molly Pitcher's story is inspiring to all people who want to make a difference in the world. Molly Pitcher is an American war hero because of the brave choices she made to help our American soldiers. She was fearless when she ran back and forth carrying pitchers of water to the soldiers, risking her life every time because she could have been hit by enemy fire. She proved women could help out too.

Page created on 6/23/2013 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/23/2024 2:56:43 PM

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Related Links

Colonial Foundation of Williamsburg - Molly Pitcher - Colonial Foundation of Williamsburg's mission is To teed the human spirit by sharing America's enduring story.