
Mother Teresa

by Madison from San Diego

A Mother to Millions

Mother Teresa’s compassion for the needy inspired her to travel the world in hopes of making a difference in the world of hunger and poverty. By devoting herself to the unfortunate in Calcutta, Mother Teresa’s influence has been extensive and global. Her life was filled with typical components: a close knit family, a normal childhood, and a comfortable community, but by the age of twelve, she began to experience radical changes. She was blessed with many calls from God which led her to build charity organizations and travel to serve the poor, thus, giving her universality. Mother Teresa, born on August 27, 1910 with the name Agnes Bojaxhiu, was the youngest of three daughters. With her father being a successful contractor, her family lived comfortably and Agnes Bojaxhiu never worried about money. Once again, at the age of twelve, she felt a calling from God to dedicate her life to transforming the world of poverty. She left her home at the age of nineteen and joined the Sisters of Loreto, a nunnery which dealt with missions in India. After graduating from being a sister, she was given the name Mother Teresa, a name most appropriate for her nurturing and sympathetic actions later in life. She heard another calling from God to leave her position and work with the poverty-stricken community of Calcutta, India. From there, her organization began to flourish as she continued to help people until her death. Mother Teresa was confident that she could make a impact the world and her strong will allowed her mission to become a reality. Mother Teresa's worldwide notoriety is thoroughly justified through her countless acts of self sacrificial charity and service accompanied with her courage and abounding perseverance; making her a renowned heroine and role model.

Mother Teresa thoroughly embodied love and compassion through her selfless character and her devotion to transforming the social and economic conditions of the underprivileged and impoverished in Calcutta. She left her comfortable life as a nun to work hands-on with the people. As she went to Calcutta, she was to: “provide care for the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, and those affected by the skin disease leprosy” (Julie L. Carnagie). Although she was aware of the harsh reality of what awaited her, she remained steadfast, knowing that her deep love and compassion toward the insufferable people would propel and ignite her efforts. She traveled to the front line of the battle, facing crisis, and putting herself in danger of disease and trauma in hopes of helping the on a more personal level in order to receive their trust and cooperation which would result in great success. With no restrictions or regrets, Mother Teresa made the life changing decision and “Devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta” (Irwin Abrams). Void of any sort of selfish motive, Mother Teresa epitomizes a hero and role model and proves her unfathomable and vast love for underprivileged people. Her reasonably simple life was cast aside to help ease the lives of others in an effort to repair a broken and battered society. Mother Teresa risked her life, following what she believed was morally and religiously right, with the goal of mending a corrupt and heartbroken world. Her mission began in Calcutta, and as she continually traveled throughout was largely recognized and extremely influential.

Mother Teresa persevered through all kinds of in an effort to combat poverty and accomplish her goals of serving those around her. She created an organization with a dedicated team, which accomplished things that people had never though possible: “In 1957 they began to work with lepers and slowly expanded their educational work, at one point running nine elementary schools in Calcutta...they also opened a home for orphans and abandoned children” (Irwin Abrams). While doubted by many, Mother Teresa undeniably proved them wrong when her organization became so prominent working with all types of people and problems in Calcutta. The extent of her charity work accomplished so much in such a short amount of time that it seemed as though all corruption was stepping aside, making way for Mother Teresa to repair the damages. By the 1960’s, Mother Teresa had already made a far-reaching impact on the world and after recognizing that she had planted a seed in India, she was ready to expand and fervently pleaded for permission when finally: “in 1965 Mother Teresa received permission from pope Paul VI to expand her order of nuns to other nations” (Julie L. Carnagie). Although she already had a large chain of missions, she decided to continue to help many more through her charity. When she didn’t get permission immediately, she didn’t believe it was adequate to remain only in India and her passion drove her to be persistent. Mother Teresa abandoned all doubt and became determined to create a huge difference in the world’s unfortunate conditions.

Mother Teresa was a remarkable woman who was respected and admired for her character as well as her accomplishments; she is the epitome of a hero and her actions and efforts continue to impact other for generations to come as the ‘mother of the earth’. Mother Teresa accomplished so much in her lifetime that it is almost unfathomable. She will always be remembered as the woman who, through courage and charisma, faced the horrors of poverty and helplessness. She strived to put a smile on people’s faces and is recognized as a gifted ‘healer of the heart’. Mother Teresa made people joyful, her ultimate goal which greatly surpassed. “Mother Teresa is among the most well-known and highly respected women in the world in the latter half of the twentieth century” (Julie L. Carnagie). She deserves to be respected for not only standing up and proclaiming that there should be a difference in the world, but also acting opon it in an immense way. She is an inspirational figure who children should be informed about in school so as to be a role model for all young people. Mother Teresa aspired to be the best she could be and recognized that our horrifying world required assistance; she made a handprint on the hearts of many people around the world that will never fade nor cease to inspire.

Works Cited

Mother Teresa – Biography”. 17 Dec 2010

“Mother Teresa.” UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Laura B. Tyle. Vol. 7. Detroit: UXL, 2003. 1347-1350. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2010. URL

“Mother Teresa.” World Religions Reference Library. Ed. Julie L. Carnagie, et al. Vol. 4: Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2007. 351-358. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2010.

“Teresa, Mother (1910-1997).” Dictionary of Women Worldwide: 25,000 Women Through the Ages. Ed. Anne Commire and Deborah Klezmer. Vol. 2. Detroit: Yorking Publications, 2007. 1847-1848. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 17 Dec. 2010.

Page created on 1/16/2011 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 1/16/2011 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Mother Teresa Of Calcutta
Mother Teresa of Calcutta-Official Site of the Cause of Canonization
Mother Teresa - Biography
Mother Theresa — Great Story of Faith & Doubt