The following story was written by a high school student.

Margaret Thatcher

by Maddie from Fredericksburg

If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.

Getting things done is one of the many accomplishments Margaret Thatcher is known for, and is exactly what she set out to do. Born in Grantham, England in 1925, as Margaret Roberts she came from humble beginnings. Her father, Alfred Roberts, was the owner of two grocery shops. He knew the value of hard work, and wanted to instill it in his daughter. She grew up knowing that everything worth having is worth working for, and through this work ethic and determination, she was able to become the first female prime minister of Great Britain.

She had a lot of obstacles to overcome before becoming Prime Minister. In 1954, when she first ran for parliament, she was beat but only by a narrow margin. She ran again in 1958, and won. She was one of the only women in parliament at the time. By 1966, she became a shadow cabinet member to the Prime Minister at the time. Even though she lost elections, she still persevered. Giving up were two words that were not in her vocabulary. She never gave up because her true goal was to change Britain for the better, not to achieve personal goals of fame and political power. She knew that Britain's economic problems were bigger than her, and was willing to do whatever it took to turn those problems around.

At the same time that she was pursuing her political career, she was also raising a family. Her twins Mark and Carol were born in 1953. Even when she was working, she still insisted on keeping the mother's role. During her terms as prime minister, she still insisted on making breakfast and dinner for her and her husband, Denis Thatcher. This kind of work ethic and determination to do her best for everyone, is just part of what makes her so remarkable.

Her tenacity and determination to turn Britain around in a time of struggle is just another reason to why she is so memorable. She knew what was right and wasn't going to change her beliefs or values for anyone. She once said, "If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything, and you would achieve nothing." When she was elected into office, Great Britain was going through a horrible time for the economy. In 1975, the rate of inflation was at 27 percent, and by 1986 it was 2.5 percent. She also privatized many of the industries that were previously owned by the government. Many of her critics deemed it impossible at the time, but against all odds, she got it done.

Margaret Thatcher is a huge role model for girls everywhere, including me. Her hard work, determination, and refusal to compromise on the values that she cared about are only some of the reasons why I admire and look up to her so much. She has a all the qualities of a hero. Courage, bravery, and strength. She is just one example that a hero can come in many forms. She may not have super powers, but these heroic qualities make her a super hero to me.

Works Cited

Collins, Chris. "Margaret Thatcher." [Online] Available

Gregory, Joseph. "Margaret Thatcher "The Iron Lady"." New York Times.

Johnson, Paul. "The World Changing Margaret Thatcher." Wall Street Journal .

Moore, Charles . The Invincible Margaret Thatcher .

Page created on 1/11/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/23/2024 3:00:45 PM

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Related Links

Margaret Thatcher Foundation - Learn more about the former Prime Minister
GOV.UK - History: Past Prime Ministers