
Misty May Treanor

by Calista from San Diego

"It takes a lot of hard work and dedication just like any pro sport. Especially for beach volleyball you don't have to be tall or as fast as other sports. You just have to have the skills." (May-Treanor). The things that you love shouldn't stop you from what you love to do the most. Sports isn't about height or speed, what matter most is how much effort, dedication, and motivation you have to do what is most important to you. As long as set your mind to what you want to do, go for it never stop from achieving your goal. "In 2004, the same year she married Florida Marlins catcher Matt Treanor, Misty and her partner Kerri Walsh dominated their sport at the Olympics at Athens, Greece. Going seven matches in the competition without losing a set, the pair clinched their golds by defeating Shelda Bede and Adriana Behar of Brazil. At their victory moment, May ran to embrace Walsh and both fell backwards into the sand. "I didn't care if I broke her knees because she has a lot of time to rest," May said. Misty May-Treanor was born on July 30, 1977 in Los Angeles, California, United States. She won the NCAA Championship co-MVP, was College player of the year twice; and FIVB Sportsperson of the Year, 2007" (May Treanor). The way she expresses herself as she plays just shows that anything can be possible if you just work hard and motivate yourself to get better, you must be without doubt and never give up. A hero must possess perseverance and be a dedicated role model, therefore Misty May-Treanor.

Perseverance is the main key to any type of success to doing anything that you want to accomplish. It is what keeps you moving on. It also helps to motivate others to do their very best in whatever they want to do without giving up on themselves. Here is one of the most inspiration quote about perseverance from Misty May-Treanor. "I'm stronger than I think I am Mentally, Physically," (May-Treanor). "Over the years, I've made sacrifices to win two Olympic gold medals and put together winning streaks that will never be broken." (May-Treanor) All of the work is worth it and it pays off from all the effort and dedication that they put in to their time. Their hard work comes with a nice reward waiting for them at the end. Accomplishing your goals feels nice at the end because all of it is totally worth it. In return, all of the things that you've had to do finally paid off. Everything is worth believing how far you have accomplished in your goal. That is when you finally know that it was totally worth everything that you set your mind to. Misty May-Treanor is dedicated to our young athletes. Main key to be successful in anything that you want to accomplish is just seeing like how much effort do you really put in, the motivation to keep doing it without giving up, and most importantly are you doing the best of your ability. That is what dedication is about, doesn't matter if it's sports or not, it is still the same things that you can do to excel to the next level. "I am truly looking forward to working with these great student-athletes and hope to aid them to the next level." (May-Treanor) Misty May clearly shows that she wants to dedicate her time to show and help kids and improve them how they play so that they will continue to learn and grow to show how much effort and dedication that they have to make more room for more improvement

Dedication is showing how much effort, and motivation that they show what they go through and of how much effortless time is spent practicing, to improve upon themselves to get better and develop ways to become the best that they can be. The most important part of showing how much you truly love what you do the most is dedication. Dedication is the main key for everything that you are to accomplish in life. To show how much you truly love something requires a lot of effort and time. This next quote spoke to me, here is another quote about dedication by Misty May-Treanor. "Volleyball is the sport through which I am able to express my God-given talents of being an athlete. It is a sport which involves relating, pushing, and encouraging your teammates." (May-Treanor) This here shows how much effort and time they put in for themselves and also others.

Inspiration is the meaning of why it began, and how far that you've made it through your accomplishments as you continue to progress. Misty May-Treanor has inspired me to become the person I am today, and to not give up on my dreams. "I didn't want to stop before my time was up." (May-Treanor) You get to choose the decisions that you want to make in order to accomplish your goal. The saying "time flies by" is the meaning that there is such little time left to find out what really inspires you deep down. That is the time to focus on your future and what you would want to carry out in life. A hero must possess perseverance and dedication, therefore, Misty May-Treanor is a hero. Her perseverance is showed through her effortless time spent on constantly practicing and making more room for improving upon herself to become the best of her ability. Misty shows a lot of potential of how much time she dedicates herself to a lot of effort and motivation.A hero must possess perseverance and dedication therefore Misty May-Treanor is a hero. Her perseverance, is showed through her effortless time spent on constantly practicing and making more room for improving upon herself to become the best of her ability, Misty shows a lot of potential by how much time that she dedicates herself to her effort and motivation. Misty May-Treanor possess perseverance and dedication therefore she is a hero. In conclusion, dedication is all your effort, endless practices and motivation that kept you moving on and striving to reach your goal to reach the finish line.

Works Cited

"Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings Are a Match Made in Beach Volleyball Heaven - and They Prove It with Another Gold." NY Daily News. NY Daily News, 2014. Web. 02 May 2014. ]

"Misty May-Treanor." Misty MayTreanor. United States Olympic Committee, 2014. Web. 02 May 2014.

"Misty May-Treanor." Misty MayTreanor RSS. Misty May-Treanor, 2014. Web. 02 May 2014.

"Misty May-Treanor Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, 2001. Web. 13 May 2014

"Olympic Champion Misty May-Treanor Joins USC Sand Volleyball Staff." - University of Southern California Official Athletic Site. CBS Interactive, 2014. Web. 02 May 2014.

Press, Associated. "May-Treanor, Walsh Jennings win." ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, 08 Aug. 2012. Web. 02 May 2014.

Page created on 6/6/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 6/6/2014 12:00:00 AM

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