
Mia Hamm

by Hana from Saipan, Northern Mariana Island

Do you know who was one of the youngest female soccer players to ever win the World Cup Championship? A forward, one of the best players on her team, and my hero; Mariel Margaret Hamm or also known as Mia Hamm did this at the age of 19. Isn’t that cool? Well I think it’s cool to go up against other girls who are older than you are and beat them all. Mia was born on March 17, 1972 at Selma, Alabama. Brave, encouraging and athletic are three words that show why Mia Hamm is everyones’ hero.

Mia Hamm in her jersey
Mia Hamm in her jersey

Mia Hamm has shown bravery to everybody who has watched her play; especially when she sprained her ankle during the Olyimpic Game against Sweden. She so easily recovered that Hamm and her team made it to defeat Norway. Another way Mia Hamm shows bravery is by playing in front of so many people. If she made a mistake, fell and hurt herself, or got a card, she would embarrass herself.

mia hamm with the ball
mia hamm with the ball

Hamm also encourages others and their dreams for sports. Hamm encourages all kinds of people to follow what they want to be and do for sports. I really like that because it makes me feel more confident in the sports I’m doing today. Hamm also encourages the people who have bone disease, that there is still hope, because Mia Hamm set up a foundation for those who have bone disesase. Hamm set up this foundation because she wants to help others survive and because Mia’s brother died from bone disesase.

Not only is Mia Hamm brave and encouraging, but she is also very athletic because she is one of the best players ever, she tries her hardest to win, have fun, and is in good shape. My favorite sport is soccer, so I think it is pretty awesome to be a world-famous soccer player.

Brave, encouraging, and athletic is what everybody wants their hero to be and Mia Hamm is all those things. Mia Hamm is my hero because she is all a kid could dream of and would want to be. I am also doing soccer and I try my best bacause someday I will like to be like her, athletic and brave. Then one day people will look up to me as well and then my friends will say, “ I knew that girl once, she tried her best for this position.”

Page created on 7/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 7/27/2008 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links

Womens Soccer World - My hero is the best soccer player.
Mia Hamm in Wikipedia - My extraordinary hero.