
Michael J. Jordan

by Poras from San Diego

“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” (Jordan). This quote was made famous by one of the most hardworking and inspiring people in our society. That person was Michael Jordan. Whether it was inspiring people through his hard work or proving to defy the odds that were hard to accomplish in basketball or just simple life, Michael Jordan did it all through his sheer devotion and determination. Michael Jordan was born on February 17th 1963 in Brooklyn New York (Nathan, 2003). He was raised by his two parents and lived with his 4 brothers and sisters (Nathan). At the age of 7 he moved to Wilmington, North Carolina in 1974. (Nathan). As time grew Michael Jordan attended Laney High School where he began his first, but not very successful career in basketball (Aldridge, 2001). It was here that Michael Jordan experienced his first failure by getting cut from the high school basketball team as a sophomore (Aldridge). But from this point on Jordan worked hard and improved his skills and got a scholarship to play basketball at the University of North Carolina, under the famous coach and one of Jordan’s most inspiring mentors, Dean Smith (Aldridge). On one famous occasion Jordan made the game winning shot that sealed not only his college team’s victory but also his destiny as in 1984 he gained attention and was drafted by the Chicago Bull’s team to play in the NBA (Bourgoin). At his stage Michael Jordan’s true greatness and athleticism was to be noticed as Michael Jordan time on and again won basketball games and trophies and wowed many through his spectacular basketball abilities and skills (Bourgoin). Even after his father’s death in 1993 along with many other obstacles and challenges, Jordan proved too many people how one could be successful, win big time and also how to deal with life optimistically and strive to be successful (Bourgoin). The results: 6 NBA championship titles, NBA All-Star 12 times, 5 NBA awards 10 league scoring titles and many other achievements topping off a spectacular career and life (Bourgoin). Even after retirement Jordan continued to inspire and involve himself in society by donating too many charities and organizations (Bourgoin). Jordan is currently also a spokesperson for many charities and the current owner of the Charlotte Bobcats NBA team, where he enjoys his job greatly (Nathan). Above all his achievements though, Jordan can be considered a hero because he is not only kind, respectful, and helpful with the actions he displays off the field, but also because of the hard work, devotion and determination that he demonstrated in his life that taught many and inspired more. Jordan continuously displays heroic traits in life and teaches others how to live like him proving him to be more heroic, and also displaying the life of a true hero.

Michael Jordan is a true hero because he is not only kind and helpful but respectful too because of the actions he displayed too many in society and to his mentors. Many times Jordan always tried to emphasize and demonstrate kindness wherever he went and in his actions too. Jordan knew in life being kind, helpful and respectful to others not only raises your self esteem but also benefits others in society. Throughout his career and future Jordan has helped many organizations by donating funds and income to them to secure their bright future. “In 1994 Jordan started the James Jordan boys and girls Club and Family Life Centre named after his father. The centre, which is located in Chicago, Illinois, opened to the public in 1996 thanks to a $2 million contribution by Jordan”(Nathan, 2003). This shows how Jordan was always eager to help out society and not be greedy and selfish. This furthermore shows the immense generosity and kindness that Jordan possesses as he wanted to donate and contribute to a foundation that benefits kids wellbeing, and Jordan very passionately endured to make sure that happened by donating and constructing a building block of life that ensured children’s well being showing great kindness and eager devotion to helping others. Whether it was in basketball or in society, Jordan always respected those who mentored and taught him values and others who inspired him through their heroics. Jordan once said, “My heroes were my parents. I can’t see having anyone else as my heroes.” (Jordan). This shows how Jordan respected and cared for those who helped and cared for him, and how he wasn’t proud even though he had accomplished great things and instead credited his parents for his achievements, and continued to respect them till today. This also shows how Jordan treated others the way he would expect to be treated and made, sure that those who showered values and morals on him were credited for their deeds, showing immense respect and heroics in Jordan’s thinking. In life Jordan believed that being kind, helpful and respectful were true traits to lead to success and achievement anywhere, and that not only holds up true to Jordan’s life but also his character making him a true hero.

The true identity of a hero is embedded in Michael Jordan through his hard work, devotion and determination to succeed in whatever he chose to do. Throughout his life Jordan was faced with obstacles and paths that were always in his way and detouring his way to success. “In 1978 when Jordan was cut from the high school team he was sad, depressed and lost, but instead of giving up and giving in to failure Jordan spent hours of his time practicing his jump shot, working on his weaknesses, and was determined to make the team next season.”(Garreffa, 1987). In most cases when many people would have likely given up faced with this overwhelming situation, Jordan didn’t and instead put in the time and hard work to improve his weaknesses showing his hard work, determination and effort. Jordan wasn’t going to give up knowing that he was just mediocre and wasn’t cut out for playing for the team, and wanted to prove to others working on improving his skills through determination could he then find a way to succeed. He also accepted the responsibility that he needed to improve, and decided that if he wanted to achieve something he had to put in devotion in what he was doing and actually be passionate about it and just not do it for the sake of it. Through many of his challenges Jordan knew only determination to conquer it would reap the benefits for him in the end. When the Chicago Bulls would trail many teams Jordan would always make the situation positive and not worry about the negative through a determined mind and capacity to succeed. In Jordan’s life without being determined to try and conquer a challenge Jordan felt miserable. Jordan once said “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying (Jordan). This situation proves Jordan’s extreme optimistic determination to always try and hope for the best and be determined to always succeed. Jordan’s heroics are also proved by the way he inspired others through his determination, as today in society many upcoming kids who want to achieve something great in life have been inspired by Jordan’s determination to succeed, and use that as a tool to achieve their dreams and desires. Determination, hard work, and devotion were key ingredients to not only Jordan’s success, but also the situations in which he displayed them were evidence of his honorable heroics.

Heroes are made through the inspiring actions that they shower upon individuals. Michael Jordan can truly be called a hero as every action that he bestowed upon individuals and society was based upon not only true kindness, respect, and helpfulness but also hard work, determination, and devotion. Jordan proved to be a hero under circumstances that needed the attention of certain traits such as the ones mentioned earlier. Whether it was determinedly winning basketball games that were far out of ones contention, working hard and through devotion to amass his basketball skills to a higher level, or kindly and out of sheer humanity building a much needed center and livelihood for kids on the streets, Jordan heroically through his admirable traits and astounding character proved that he could do it all. Without a doubt, Michael Jordan inspires all people in our society because he demonstrated one thing that most people in our society lack today: the drive and ambition to succeed and the immense kindness towards one's peers. Through this divine inspiration, Jordan has also taught us many values and teachings that arguably one cannot generate in a lifetime due to the lack of mentors. In the basketball society today, from the great NBA players to the tiny street ballers on the courts, there has been realistically and arguably only one goal for them today: To Be Like Mike, and although very impossible athletically, we can all instead of being like Mike in athleticism and basketball stardom, follow his principles that made him a great man morally and virtuously, and use that as an ingredient and tool for our success in life and in that way Be Like Mike. In conclusion because of this sacred gift that Jordan gives us and the important values that he gifts to us, Michael Jordan can truly and positively be called a hero.

Works Consulted Page Aldridge, Marion. "Jordan, Michael (1963-)." American Decades 1990-1999. Ed. McConnell. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL , 17 May 2010 Gareffa, Peter M "Jordan, Michael (1963-)." Contemporary Newsmakers. . Detroit: Gale Research, 1987. Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL. 17 May 2010. Nathan, Dan. "Jordan, Michael (1963-)." American Decades. Ed. McConnell, Tandy. Online ed. Detroit Gale, 2003 Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL. 18 May 2010. Smith, Richard B. "Jordan, Michael (1963-)." Encyclopedia of World Biography. Ed. Suzanne M. Bourgoin. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998. 17 vols.Student Resource Center - Gold. Gale. DEL NORTE HIGH SCHOOL. 18 May. 2010. "Greene, Bob." web site for biography’s. NBA, 2003. May 18, 2010

Page created on 5/25/2010 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 5/25/2010 12:00:00 AM

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Welcome to the Michael Jordan's World. - My Hero helps the community
Michael Jordan - My Hero does good for the community.
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The Michael Jordan Virtual Gallery - My Hero inspired many through his basketball skills.
23 Jordan - My Hero is a fun person to be around.

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