
Martin Luther King Jr

by Fernando from Marietta

Martin Luther King was born on January 15 on 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He got married and had four kids. He wanted peace between the white people and the black people but the law said that black people needed to go to black schools and the white people need to go to white schools; and the same thing for bathrooms in the park and bus stations. In 1948 Martin Luther King was a Baptist minister and was an important civil rights leader in the United States. In 1955 King led a protest against the bus system of Montgomery, Alabama. He opposed the use of violence in the United States as a way to get a fair treatment for African Americans.

MLK Monument ( ())
MLK Monument ( ())

He gave a speech in Washington and said he had a dream and that dream was the African Americans' Freedom. After that, Martin Luther King was proud that he did.  That was right and that's why we celebrate Martin Luther King's birthday.

Martin Luther King Jr helped the black teens to go to white public schools because the white people didn't allow black people in white public schools. Martin Luther King told the black teens' parents that you don't have to be worried about your children if they go to jail.  You have to worry about your family and they did it.

There will be no more black people schools or white people schools or other things that involve segregation between white people and black people. On April 4 in 1968 Martin Luther King got killed in Tennessee. He was a great Hero because he was Fighting for Freedom.

Page created on 6/30/2012 6:09:18 PM

Last edited 6/30/2012 6:09:18 PM

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