
Avery Macdonald

by Logan from Sydney

Avery once said, "Give it your all and never give up!"

Avery Macdonald is a person I met early on in my life. He is an owner of a local motocross track. Since I have started racing he has been a big part of it and was always involved. He taught me how to ride a dirtbike and eventually helped develop me into a racer. I spent many summer weekends with him during his motocross training classes. He taught me how to warm up, do proper stretches, get into shape, and most of all, how to race and all the little secrets involved with it. Recently Avery has been diagnosed with cancer and is struggling to overcome it. It is spreading throughout his body and is worsening each week. For his kindness, involvement in my life, and bravery against fighting cancer I decided he is a true everyday hero and deserves some credit.

Brave- Avery is facing cancer head on and shows no fear. He is still doing everyday things as usual, but the cancer is affecting him. Although it is, he shows no sign of it and he doesn't let it slow him down. Another reason he is brave is because of the way he races. It's almost like he has no fear. I have seen him jump a massive tabletop twenty feet in the air while racing and yet he does a trick to get a reaction out of the crowd. He has won many races, sustained many injuries, and has many championship standings under his belt. He shows bravery in many situations and is a living example of bravery.

A leader- Avery is a sure leader. He is even known as "The Captain." This is because of his motocross skills and how he always encourages other racers to do their best. He is a top rider and he regularly visits podium. During practice he shows all of the racers on his team the best lines to take and gives tips on how to get an advantage. If it wasn't for Avery I wouldn't be half the racer I am today, and for this, he is a true leader.

Caring- Avery is a very caring person. He has helped me through many things, from how to fix and maintain my dirtbike, to how to race it on the track. When I fell, he was there to pick me up and brush me off. If I even thought of giving up he would encourage me and it always worked. He cared so much about all of the other young riders and I that he never gave up on us. He eventually shaped many of us into racers and this shows that he is an extremely caring person.

This one is for you, Avery. Keep the faith, never give up, and give it your all.

Page created on 8/17/2014 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 8/17/2014 12:00:00 AM

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