
Magic Johnson

by Ben from Michigan

Magic Johnson taking Michael Jordan
Magic Johnson taking Michael Jordan

Magic Johnson was the best player to ever play the game of basketball. Magic Johnson was born on August 14 1959, in Lansing, Michigan. Magic Johnson's parents were Earvin J. and Christine J. Their family was made up of seven children, not counting Magic. Magic Johnson was the fourth child to be born. When he was young he would go outside to the streets and play with his brothers; he became very good by playing aganist older kids. Magic Johnson had many MVPs for playing very well in games. In a game against Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas, there were ten seconds to go, Magic Johnson had the ball. Isiah Thomas and Michael Jordan doubled him and they did that because they love the game of basketball.

Magic Johnson Dunking
Magic Johnson Dunking

Magic Johnson went to High school and played for the high school team. That year in high school he was named "Magic" for being very tricky. Dave Bing insipired Magic Johnson to continue playing basketball and succeed to be a excellent player. Magic Broke a record for scoring the most points at his High school. Terry Furlow the coach for Michigan State asked Magic Johnson to come scrimmage with them. Then right after the scrimmage Terry asked Magic if he would play for State. Magic said yes and he was averaging 17 points a game. The Kings offered Magic to play for them at age 18 and he said no. He wanted to stay in State and acquire more talents and skills before he goes pro. The Lakers picked Magic for their first pick. Magic Johnson played for the Lakers for thirteen years before he retired in 1992. Magic Johnson had some struggles he had to overcome. He had AIDS. Magic Johnson's Major accomplishment is that he became a basketball pro player. He became a very good business man when he retired in 1992. He was a philanthropist and helped many people overcome their fears.

Magic Johnsons Lakers Jersey
Magic Johnsons Lakers Jersey

Magic Johnson never gave up playing basketball. He kept working hard to get better. He played for the summer Olmpics with Micheal Jordan and Larry Bird. They are the best players besides Magic Johnson. Magic Johnson had many awards, like MVPS and best player of the year. Magic Johnson was a Philianthropist. Magic Johnson had a very good foundation which helped people who didn't have technology. People could come to his foundation and do things like reasearch and learn many skills.

Magic Johnson's Foundation
Magic Johnson's Foundation

Magic Johnson likes to help people so he started a foundation in 1997. He has courage like a lion because he talks to people about AIDS and to inform them. He is a role model for many kids trying to succeed in basketball just like him. He has great honor towards people by giving them respect. He puts a lot of time in his work to help people. His foundation is for many kids and he puts a ton of money in that for them.

Magic Johnson at Olmpics
Magic Johnson at Olmpics

Magic Johnson is still alive today and still moving like everyone else. Since Magic Johnson retired from the NBA he works for ESPN sports. He tells other people about life and how to overcome fear. He helps kids with basketball by giving them skills. He teaches them not to quit even if you aren't good. When he was little he would say "I didn't quit because I wasn't the best." He likes what he does by donating money to AIDS foundations for kids to get cured from the disease. Don't be scared of your sickness, just do what you want to do, don't let it hold you back from your goals.

Page created on 3/29/2007 12:00:00 AM

Last edited 3/29/2007 12:00:00 AM

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Related Links


Dolan, Sean. Magic Johnson. New York: Chelsea House, 1993.

Tucker, Laura. "Business Hero: Magic Johnson." [Online] Available

Wikipedia. "Magic Johnson." [Online] Available


Author Info

Magic Johnson was the best player and business person to ever live in the world.