
Marija Intihar

by Natasa Klancar from Slovenia

I've always felt strongly connected to my family. It seems to me that it is exactly the people who surround you that influence you the most - they effect the way you behave, the way you react and the way you think. I've been happy for having a fantastic background in my family - they've always supported me, guided me and helped me through better and worse. One of the main characters was definitely my grandma, Marija.

My granny was born in 1905 (and would celebrate her 100th birthday this year!) to a family with nine children. The family lived in poor conditions, they had to take care of each other and their only concern was how to survive. Modesty was their middle name. Growing up in such a home definitely made an impact on all the children, teaching them a lesson or two about being humble, helpful, loving and hard-working. And these are the qualities my granny passed on to me, making me realize once again that material goods are way down the list.

Me and my granny in 1978 (The photo is taken from my family album)
Me and my granny in 1978 (The photo is taken from my family album)

I can still remember visiting her frequently as a child and a teenager. She became my baby-sitter, my adviser, a good friend and a confidant. I could tell her all my hopes and dreams and she would listen to me and give me advise. We would often talk about her youth as well, discussing all the hardships she had to go through in order to become such a strong person. During WW II men had to go to the battlefield, women had to take care of their numerous children. And as if that wasn't enough: my granny's house was burnt down and the whole family had to move in with their relatives, which made life even more difficult. One of her "secrets" to survive was her will, her ever-lasting optimism and a feeling of hope that never deserted her, even in the darkest hours.

She passed away at the age of 90. She left in her sleep. I couldn't stop crying when I heard the terrible news, but deep inside me I knew she'd look after me from heaven and guide me, not deserting me for a second. Her stories inspired me and showed me the importance of never giving up and of trusting one another. They proved what I've known from before: it is the bonds that connect the family members and make them co-operate and help each other in the best possible way so they can move mountains and do miracles, no matter how hopeless a certain situation seems.

Enjoying the holidays at my granny's (The photo is taken from my family album)
Enjoying the holidays at my granny's (The photo is taken from my family album)

Not much can be done if you are on your own. Having a person you can trust and count on in times of trouble is priceless. My granny found her luck in her marriage to my grandfather. The relationship they had was full of love, understanding and care for their two children. Together they managed to survive all the hardships and face all the ups and downs in their lives, thus showing me the way to be a better person, striving for an interesting, fulfilling and joyous life. It's love, hard work, dedication and trust that counts. Thank you, granny!

Page created on 9/28/2007 7:08:41 PM

Last edited 1/5/2017 11:05:41 PM

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Related Links

Carantha-History of Slovenia-Carantania - A short description of the history of Slovenia and the way of life during some turbulent times.
WW II European Landmarks - WW II in Slovenia divided the country and brought devastation, poverty and misery.
Slovenia - The site offers a few answers to questions about Slovenia now and in the past, thus providing an insight into the differences between now and then.